CHAPTER 4 ( new company )

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So yeah as usual can't thank you enough for reading my story

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Ohh my god today I had so much work and I couldn't have a stop for a little cup of coffee but perrie got a new company that will face her

the new company I believe its belong to the horan's family

Anyway perrie had called me for the meeting she wanted me and the others secretaries to be here after 30 min so i told her i will take a small break till the meeting so i went to my office and i saw liegh-anne

" hey jade how's the work today hahah " liegh said and luaghed at me when i throw my self on the chair

" so much work i can't believe it " i told liegh

" i bit you are tierd let me go and bring some coffe and snaks for you ladies " james said can you believe i havn't seen him inside with us .

Anywany me and liegh had thanked for the offer and then he went .

Liegh asked " hey wanna go this weekend to the mall or somewhere because i'm bored "

I said " done this weekend we are gonna go and btw lets invite james and louis or maybe liam also "

" so it's kind of EDWARDS company workers go on weekend to enjoy and leave all the work behind them " liegh said

I told her " you know that on weekends we have it as a holiday so i don't care if you are not going i'm gonna take them with me so if you want to go you are most welcome " i was half of angry but never mind

Liegh said " okay chill i didn't say something by the way i'm going and i don't care who will come "

And when she finished james and louis has entered and with them four cups of coffe i believe

" hey girls we brought some coffe so here yours jade and this one for liegh " louis said and gave us our cups and took his seat and came in front of me and liegh james did the same thing

So i thought i will invite them now and try to think of place we should go

" so guys are you and liam intersting to go anywhere on the weekend we thought we will invite you with us to go somewhere and chill " i said

Louis said while turning to james and back to us " i think yeah me and lads free on the weekend i will tell liam about it "

James told me " yeah i'm free and believe liam is "

We talked little bit about our backgrounds

then liegh said " guys the meeting will start now lets go "

all of us nodded with agreement and get up to go to the meetings room

When we got there we saw perrie and jesy and liam also harry

" hey lads come in we need to talk about the new company and all that " harry said

We got in and took chairs and seated

Me and liegh , perrie , and jesy on chairs and the boys two on the floor and the other two in top of the table i think this is normal with them or what perrie didn't talked about it

" so guys you need to know that we can't accpet the horan's company like that we should talk and discues and think really well and then accpet it okay perrie ? " liam said

YOU ARE MINE JADE  / Jerrie ThirlwardsWhere stories live. Discover now