October 6: Pizza Party

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“Remember everyone, whatever you do, do not mention anything about Who Killed Markiplier in front of Wilford or Dark ” Dr. Schneeplestein warned. “We don’t need to witness another person get stabbed and thrown out of a fourth story window, again.”

“I still don’t understand why they got so upset,” Anti huffed. “All I did was ask how Wilford felt about Celine being part of Dark.”

“And that is an example of a question no one will ask,” Dr. Schneeplestein replied.

Anti rolled his eyes and glitched away only to immediately come back. “Whoops, forgot to take someone with me.” He grabbed Robbie’s arm and glitched both of them away.

“Now we know no one’s gonna get stabbed or thrown out of a window,” Chase said cheerfully. “Robbie being with him will stop him from aggravating anyone to that degree.”

“That’s true,” Jackie agreed. “Now is everyone ready to leave? We can’t let those jerks eat all the pizza.”


“I don’t understand how y’all can eat that fucking abomination to society.” Ed Edgar commented, grabbing another slice of pepperoni pizza.

Used to some of the Iplier’s comments about pineapple pizza, Marvin shrugged. “It tastes good.”

Ed Edgar scrunched his nose in disgust. “You’re crazy if ‘ya describe pineapple pizza as “good”.” Marvin shrugged again and continued to eat his pizza. All the septic’s had learned that arguing with the Iplier’s about this had been useless. The best thing to do was eat the pizza without comment.

So far everything was going fine. Ed Edgar was making fewer comments about pineapple pizza than usual, the Jims were being less annoying with their documentaries, and Anti hadn’t made anyone want to kill him yet.  

Marvin sighed in content. Everything was good.

Egoctober 2018Where stories live. Discover now