October 3: Swapped

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Just to clear up any confusion, I swapped Anti and JJ.

How pathetic. Jameson's lip curled into a snarl as he stared down at the other egos. He didn't understand how those fools had survived for so long. They were all so stupid and annoying, always preaching about PMA. He sighed and leaned forward on his cane. It didn't matter, they were all going to die soon anyway.

Who should be the first though? Jackie? Chase? Anti? Schneeplestein? Jameson clenched the top of his cane as his gaze stopped at Schneeplestein.

Ah yes, the "good doctor" was definitely high on his list of egos to get rid of first. He hated the man more than he hated Jackie. If it wasn't for him, he would've got to Jack and his plans of taking over would have succeeded.

Everything would have been fine and dandy if that fucking doctor hadn't saved him. Oh how he couldn't wait to rip him apart piece by piece, to take every organ out of his body and feed it to- Jameson shook his head and took a deep breath. He couldn't go down that thought path. Not here, not now. He took one last glance at the idiots below him and pulled out his stopwatch. He had things to do.

Meanwhile Anti was on edge. He could've sworn he had felt Jameson's presence, but he wasn't sure. God, he hoped he was wrong. He hated Jameson. After all, the demon was responsible for his missing voice box and the stitches in his throat.

He sank down lower onto the couch and scanned the living room. All was how it should be. Jackie and Marvin were showing each other tricks, Chase and Dr. Schneeplestein were exchanging stories about their kids, and Robbie was passed out asleep next to him. Anti pulled his turtleneck up higher and closed his eyes.

If Jameson had ever tried to take so much as a step toward them, he was going to kill him. Even if it was the last thing he did.

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