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On an island deep in the fog off of the coast of California. I was stuck. Nothing to do or eat. Survival was the first task. Just finding help was another. Nobody has found me. After two weeks I started losing hope that I would find hope. Art night I would hide in trees. During the day I would look out into the fog for any sign of rescue. Only relying on sleep and water from the ocean to keep me alive when my stomach aches with hunger. I need food but to weak to find any. I decided to finally look for food with barely any protection against bugs, bears, wolves, or other things that might eat me. Only clothes that were rugged and torn from the knee down. Still I had nothing to lose. Deeper into the island i walked and saw no food only trees and vines. I heard birds and an occasional howl from the wolves but kept walking on. Unless it was in front in my face then I felt safe. "I need to find food and make a shelter with weapons." I thought to myself. There is no need to survive without a plan. Finally I reach a stream with fish and plants with berries. Then a bear came and ate the fish leaving me with the berries. I walked to the bushes and grabbed a few berries. I carried some in my pocket and some with my hands. I quickly ate the berries in my hand. "Ew... out of all of the berries in the world I had to pick the gross berries...." I said groaning. At least my stomach was partially satisfied with food inside it. It might not have been the best tasting berries, but I lived. It turned to evening and I still needed food, but I carried the berries in my pocket towards the shore into my favorite tree to sleep in. Only one problem. A flock of birds was in it. I decided to find a different tree. I went into a tree. It wasn't as comfy but I will manage. One by one I began eating the ugly tasting berries and the sun was gone. The dark arrived. I couldn't see anything but the moon barely giving light. Crickets were chirping and that was the only sound that I could hear. Besides the howls in the night that I would rather not think about. Morning came and I woke up with bears scratching their the against the wood of my tree. "Oh my fricking god!" I yelled. Out of all trees it had to be mine. "Rrrrrrrrrrr!" The bears groaned. I quickly grabbed my berries and jumped off my tree and ran. But the bears followed. "Ughhhhh seriously!" I shouted. Running faster and faster I was something weird. My hands weren't hands but paws. My feet weren't feet but paws again. I ran faster then before. I became a cheetah.

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