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Big orbs stared out of the moving car in excitement, whilst shaky hands shuffled against one another in a clear act of nervousness. Conflicting emotions battled within little Rosa as she thought about the night to come. What would happen if she didn't meet her mate - surely this excitement would be for nothing? Nonsense, she regarded quickly with an inaudible huff. This would be a night to remember regardless, being surrounded with such pure love of others and the closeness of all the packs coming together. And what if she did meet her mate, she pondered. Depending on his rank, she would have to relocate, and although the sheer thought of leaving her father broke her into two, the idea of starting a new life with the one destined for her sent shivers down her spine.

"Rosa." Her father grinned down at her from beside her, planting a soft kiss to the top of her head as he watched his cherished daughter practically bounce in excitement. He too had once felt the same when meeting his own mate.
She looked up at him with a beaming smile, the driver grinning at us through the mirror.

"I want you to know..whatever happens tonight, whoever you are mated to, as long as you are happy...I am too." He finished softly, soft tears filling his eyes. The idea of his daughter being away from him, secretly, terrified him. She was too innocent, so pure and with such a pure heart, she could be manipulated. A small selfish part of him wished that her mate would be an omega, someone in a lower rank that her so they would move to their pack instead of his sunshine moving elsewhere. He knew it was wrong, that he should be happy regardless, but he couldn't help himself.

"Thank you father." She whispered back, kissing his cheek, leaving the small imprint of her lipstick on his cheek before resuming her curiosity filled glances out of the car window.

Soon enough they had arrived, the nervousness now growing in the pit of her stomach. The two walked into the ballroom, arms linked in one another as they stood at the top of the stairs, the ballroom becoming silent for a small moment. Her beauty was ethereal, one that challenged that of Aphrodite herself, it was hard to believe she really was human when she possessed such goddess like features. She blushed shyly at the sudden attention before a small, rather chubby man stood before them.

"Presenting, Beta Samuel Links of the West Sun pack and his daughter, Rosa Links." He bellowed, causing a small silent giggle to appear from the young girl that she hid in her father's arm. Soon they descended the stairs, whilst most people stared, and others too enamoured in the mated they had already found.

"My love, stay here for a moment. I must greet the other alphas, you don't mind do you?" Her father whispered to her softly, almost afraid to leave his innocent daughter amongst what he could only describe the men as, vultures. "Of course not father, don't worry about me." She softly shook her head with a reassuring grin making him sigh softly in adoration before leaving to do exactly that.

Little Rosa stood there, too shy to approach anyone and much too shy to mingle. She looked around to see everyone chatting excitedly, whilst some looked rather scared and even a few had tears running down their faces! The amount of scents in the air was driving her little wolf insane, although it simply added to her exhilaration. Suddenly, she was snapped out of her thoughts as a big bundle of red bumped into her almost harshly.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! God damnit, I knew these heels were a mistake, they're too big, but mind you they make my legs look great.." The girl before her rambled, making Rosa's eyes widen. She had unruly, wild red curly hair that contrasted against such beautiful porcelain skin and stark emerald eyes that were ever so big. She was unlike anyone she had ever met!

"It's okay." Rosa giggled shyly in nervousness, placing her hand gently on her shoulder to reassure her, steadying her slowly making the girl smile back and breathe slowly. "I'm sorry. I ramble when I'm nervous," She sheepishly explained, tucking a girl behind her ear.

"I like it," she smiled back, rosy cheeks only growing warmer in the warm glow of the lights. "Where are my manners, my god I'm getting worse as the night goes along," the redhead grumbled. "My name is Adeline, you can call me Ada." She smiled brightly, causing Rosa to grin back due to her sheer openness. She was always quiet, and although she wanted to make friends, she always found it hard. However, the girl in front of her made her feel at ease almost instantly.

"My name is Rosa, it's lovely to be acquainted with you Ada. You look absolutely beautiful." She softly murmured with an innocent glint to her eye, that made Ada's wide eyes further even more. Most of the girls were catty here, they felt as though they were in competition with one another to look the best. They all wanted to be envied, and yet here was the most beautiful girl completely oblivious to it all - and complimenting her!

"You and I, little Rosa, are going to be very good friends indeed." Her eyes glittered in mischief as she grabbed her arm, excitedly leading her to the food area where they chatted for what felt like minutes, whilst actually it came up to an hour. "I've been smelling my mate for the past half an hour, the idiot, why is he being so hard to locate?" The redhead grumbled under her breath, with hands on her hips as she scanned the hall but to no avail. "He's not a scratch and sniff sticker, I don't know what he's playing at." She huffed, turning to Rosa. She giggled loudly at her friend's words, trying to cover her mouth at her abrasiveness. She was a spitfire, for sure.

"Go to the middle, where everyone's dancing. You'll be easier to locate, I'm sure he's feeling the exact same." She giggled, tucking a piece of her curls behind her ear for her, making the redhead grin at the idea and nod. "You'll be okay here alone?" She asked, narrowing her eyes dangerously close, to make sure the next answer would be truthful. "Of course. Go find your mate, give him a piece of your mind," she winked with another giggle before placing a kiss to her cheek, so happy that she had made a new friend.

As she watched the redhead bounce with a new found objective, she slowly walked around the ballroom, smiling, greeting and ignoring some of the harsh looks she received from jealous girls. She would not let them affect her night, especially when it had been going so perfectly. She found her father engrossed with three other betas, the four of them muttering away with occasional chuckles making her happy to know her father wasn't feeling upset to be in such an environment. She looked over to the left hand side of the ballroom where the alphas stood, finding Aila in the arms of an extremely tall and lean man, the two of them smiling so fondly at one of each other. A new power couple, she giggled to herself.

Soon, she noticed everyone grow quiet suddenly, mutters and whispers growing silent amongst people as their attentions turned to the double doors at the top of the stairs. Even the alphas had grown quiet, some nervous making her eyebrows furrow as she looked up also, not wanting to show any disrespect to the individual about to walk in. The chubby man who introduced everyone suddenly turned sweaty, with a shaky hands he opened the two doors - so scared that she was sure he would pass out at any moment.

It was quiet for a moment, confusing Rosa for she did not see what the fuss was about until a figure came into view. A man. He walked in slowly, standing at the top of the stairs in a tight suit that accentuated every muscle, a 6'6 frame staring down at everyone. Rosa's mouth went dry and her stomach plummeted at the sight of him, for he was breathtaking. With midnight black hair and vibrant blue eyes, it took only a moment for her to realise who it was, although the small man beside him took the liberty of reminding everyone.

"Presenting Dante R-Romano, Alpha of the North Black pack." He pathetically informed everyone, looking incredibly faint. His eyes seemed cold, looking over everyone distastefully while walking down the stairs before stopping for a simple moment. He examined the room before his sea coloured eyes fell onto little Rosa, his lips parting making her do the same. Gasps filled the room as realisation hit them all.

Little Rosa was mated to the Dante Romano. Heaven and hell had truly collided.

hiiiii!! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (i say this even tho no one reads my books LMAO)
i hope u like who I've picked for our little Rosa &&&&&& how u guys feeling Ada??

thanks so much guys ❤️

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