Chapter 9

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"Talk about what" his voice boomed
"Us Priest what am I now? I thought I was your main" she whined aggravating the fuck out of me

"You are Nadi just chill" he told her causing my head to snap see this is what I meant Priest doesn't know what he wants I sighed popping another plan b because I didn't take my birth control earlier.

"Well why is she with you then" she asked making him look over to me

"Cause it's her job Nadi" he screamed making my stomach drop while I adjusted myself making sure to fix my hair

"Ok see you at home" she said

"Iight" he hung up looking over to me but I kept looking foward. He touched my thigh making me snatch away

Youngblood Priest Pulling up to the club Paris walked over to her pink Honda Civic trying to unlock the door but I blocked her

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Youngblood Priest
Pulling up to the club Paris walked over to her pink Honda Civic trying to unlock the door but I blocked her

"Leave me alone Priest!" She screamed making me back up

"Just chill P" I told her trying to hug her

"I quit Priest, I can't do this knowing that I have feelings for you! No move! Don't touch me" She screamed making her accent pop

"P it's not that serious mama" she punched me in the chest as Eddie and my crew approached us breaking it up

"To you! It's not serious to you because you fuck everything with a pussy so you won't notice me! But then you want me not to fuck somebody else! Nigga fuck you" she spat making my face soften

"P I-" she cut me off
"Get your boy the fuck off of me Ed" she screamed snatching away from me hopping in her coupe speeding off. Nadia came out grabbing my waist

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