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Tae found himself outside of the apartment complex, Yoongi's car was parked in the far right corner - meaning Yoongi had yet to leave.

Tae scrambled to turn off the engine and get out of the car, he ran towards the entrance, unsure of which apartment door he was going to have to knock on.

His search was cut short when he ran into Yoongi who was holding a cardboard box with few belongings. "Y-Yoongi." Tae managed to spit out, nervously running his hands through his hair. "Taehyung." Yoongi replied softly.

Tae's eyes landed on a framed picture of Yoongi and him that was inside of the box. His eyes flickered up to meet Yoongi's. "Look, I get it, you don't have to come back and tell me what I already know." Yoongi spoke hesitantly.

Tae stayed quite, his eyes flickered back over to the picture inside of the box. "I just want you to be happy." Yoongi's tone softened, his clenched the box in between his hands.

"I know." Tae continued to stare at the picture, his smile.... He seemed... Happy. Tae looked at the small details, how his eyes were almost closed bc of how hard he was smiling, how he seemed to glow in a way he never has before, and how in that picture - it looked like everything made sense.

"I just wanted to get rid of everything else, you know..." Yoongi muttered, he pushed past Tae. "Yoongi..." Tae's voice trailed off as soon as he met Yoongi's eyes.

"I may not remember what our past life was like, and who you and I were... But I'm sure we were amazing together." Tae didn't break the eye contact, he noticed the tears starting to line along Yoongi's eyes.

"We were very amazing together." Yoongi smiled, he looked down at the box again. "Here, keep this." He pulled out the frames picture, handing it to Tae.

Tae held the frame tightly in his hands, as he watched Yoongi walk towards his car. There was a sad tone to the way he walked, almost as if every step he took was closer and closer to the last one he'll ever take.

Tae continued to watch as Yoongi pulled out of the driveway, flashing one last sad smile at Tae as he drove away.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so sorry for being late on updating! I've been dealing w a lot of personal stuff and my mind has been every where. I'm currently on my way back from vacation so I'm trying to make up for last time. Thank you for all the comments and votes, it means a lot to me. 💖

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