"Why, Angela?" he asked softly, lowering his head to meet my eyes.

"I... I'm a virgin," I whispered.  I looked away from him.  

Several long seconds passed.  The fear in my belly was loosening slightly.  His sexual aggression was easing off but I didn't move from my position on the wall.  He was so close that any movement would result in me touching him.

 "Please," I whispered, putting my hand on his chest but unable to make it push him away.  At that moment he leaned in and nipped hard at my neck causing me to gasp and then goosebumps were instantly covering my body.  I had every intention of pushing him away but there was some sort of miscommunication between my brain and my hand. I was feeling his muscles rippling beneath my fingers and I couldn't push him away.  

His kiss was gentle, patient.  The unease in my belly loosened more.   He broke our kiss shortly after to look into my eyes. There was so much heat in his gaze. The heat of barely controlled passion.  He continued his seduction by gently kissing down my neck. Resting on my jugular, which I was sure he could feel pulsing under his lips. "Stop," I whispered. He exhaled softly and obliged. He opened his mouth to say something when there was a sharp knock on the door. I jumped. Now was my chance to get out of here!  If that's even what I still wanted.  It had been a very confusing few minutes.

He stood, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a key to open the lock. I stood and walked a few feet away from the wall, running my fingers through my hair hoping to get it under control. When the door was finally opened one person walked in and it wasn't Julie. A man almost as big as Colin strolled in. He had sandy blonde hair and looked like a stereotypical surfer. He spoke in a hushed tone  and glanced over at me. When his eyes met mine a shiver ran down my spine. This man was bad news. His cold blue eyes bored into me and I had a distinctive feeling that he was used to getting his way with women whether the woman was willing or not. My hand went straight to my hair and I looked at Colin who was heading out the door. My heart leapt and I glanced back at the man who now had a wicked smirk on his face. Colin was back a moment later shuffling in my suitcase. Well that was unexpected. I figured Julie would just throw a few outfits into a bag for me. Colin's words came back to me. 'I can't let you go,'.

My head started to spin and my breakfast threatened to come up and make an appearance. I ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me and began heaving into the toilet. My breakfast made her return and when it was over I laid on the cool ceramic tiled floor. This was actually happening. I had to think of something but my head was still spinning and the chill from the floor was starting to seep into my bones. When I finally stood up I brushed my teeth again and checked myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I needed a shower. I hope Julie packed my hairbrush. I smoothed my hair down once again and unlocked the door.

Colin was sitting on the bed. He had gotten dressed while I was in the bathroom. Blue jeans and a white T-shirt. He stood as I stepped completely out of the bathroom. I quickly weighed my odds against him. He looked to be almost a full foot taller than me not to mention all the muscle under his shirt. Fighting my way out would not end successfully. He was an M.D. who read Hawkings, outsmarting him would prove difficult. I guess I could always use my feminine charm and seduce him. The last option seemed very unlikely but considering he already wanted me it might actually work though I feared what I may have to give up in the process.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked. He came closer and pulled my hair free from my damaging fingers. "Where's Julie?" I asked taking a step back out of his reach. He dropped his hand by his side. "She's fine. My mate Alex, who you just met, is showing her around Sydney today,". I shivered at the memory of his friend's cold eyes. Julie could hold her own with anyone. She was a firm believer that all women learn self defense. She was a fierce woman. In spite all that I was still worried about her.

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