Chapter 3

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(Yugi's POV)

I was waiting for the bus, when I noticed someone from my class also waiting for the bus. His name was Hanasaki, he was always quiet and shy during class and he barely ever raised his hand to answer a question. "Good morning, Hanasaki!" I said, waving at him.

He turned to look at me with his blank, emotionless eyes...and turned away. "That insolence will get his mind sent to the Shadow Realm!" said a brave and powerful voice in my head as the bus showed up.

"Hey, you...wanna buy a ticket to Souzouji's all-night live solo?" Hanasaki asked.

"No thanks, sorry," I replied. After Hanasaki walked onto the bus I whispered, "So, voice, who are you?"

I got on the bus and the voice said, "Touch your Millennium Puzzle to find out!"

I touched the puzzle when I grabbed a grip and felt a tingling sensation, then where I was cut away to black.

*Inside the puzzle*

"Woah, where am I?" I asked no one.

"You're inside the Millennium Puzzle. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, master," the owner of the voice said. He looked like me, but taller and braver.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I am Yami. I am your humble servant," Yami replied. "Master! A bully you call 'Souzouji' is stomping his way towards you! Would you like me to handle this?" Yami asked.

"Yes, Yami." I replied.

(Yami's POV)
*The real world...*

"Hey, Yugi! I'm talking to you!" Souzouji-san yelled.

"Hello, Souzouji-san! At your all-night live solo, we're going to play a game...if you have the guts!" I said, trying to aggravate him.

"Fine! Just be warned! You don't know who you're messing with!" Souzouji-san replied.

"Domino high! All students off!" said a voice over a speaker and I gave Yugi back his body.

*Outside Souzouji's karaoke...*
(Yugi's POV)

I walked up to the karaoke place and said, "Time for you to take over, Yami!"

"Thank you, master" Yami replied.

(Yami's POV)

I walked inside and set up the game while ignoring Souzouji-san. "Souzouji-san, here is the game! We each sit in front of these 'Sound Pierrot' toys that dance when they hear sound. We must be completely silent or else they'll dance. If one dances, whoever's it is will lose." I explained.

"Before we begin, I have something to show you!" Souzouji-san said, and revealed Hanasaki-san beat up and almost dead.

"That...bastard! Give him a fate worse than death, Yami!" Yugi said within my mind.

"How dare you hurt my friend! I shall give you a punishment worse than death! Game start!" I shouted and remained quiet.

It took an hour until Souzouji-san lost. "Y-Yugi?" Hanaski-san said faintely and Souzouji-san lost his consentration.

"Shut the hell up!! My Pierrot's dancing!" Souzouji-san said, fully realizing the gravity of hus loss.

"You lose, Souzouji-san! ILLUSION OF ETERNAL TORMENT!" I shouted and Souzouji-san collapsed, trapped in his own mind. I picked up Hanasaki-san and whispered to him, "Let's get you home, Hanasaki-san."

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