Chapter 2

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(Yugi's POV)

"Hi, Teá! What do you wanna shop for first?" I asked.

"How about the, um, Game Shop over there?" Teá asked.

"Sure!" I said happily.

When we got inside, I saw Joey waiting there. I realized that Joey must've wanted to apologize and asked Teá to help him. "Yugi, I, uh...I'm sorry about all the times I bullied you think you can forgive me?" Joey asked.

"Sure...if you buy me a lunch!" I said jokingly.

*Two days later, at school...*

Me and Joey were walking to school when we spotted a news van. "Hey, Yugi! There might be an idol at our school!" Joey yelled, excited. "Go look inside!" Joey said.

"Okay," I said, and tried to look inside via the driver's side window. I sadly couldn't see anything because of the glass being two-way. "I don't see anything, Joey. Let's just go to class," I said, defeated.

*After class...*

"Hey, Yugi!" yelled a boy in a headband.

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Fujita and I know the idol that's in this school! I've told her a lot about you and she wants to meet you! She'll be behind the gym! Be sure to come alone!" Fujita shouted and ran away.

*Behind gym...*

"Hey, Fujita, where's the idol?" I asked.

Fujita punched me in the stomach and said, "There never was one!"

He continued to punch and kick me until my noes started bleeding.  "W-Why?" I asked.

"Because the director told me to," Fujita whispered and kicked me in the face.

Befire I blacked out, I saw the director. "Cut! Good job!" the director said to Fujita.

(Yami's POV)
*Garage, midnight...*

"Director-san! You harmed my master's body! I will never forgive you! I challenge you to a game!" I shouted.

"It's the middle of the night! If I agree to play this game will you leave me alone?" Director-san asked.

"Yes, if you win...we will play this game using this die. If you role a lower number than me, you win. If the numbers are the same, yoy still win. Ready? Let's play. I'll role first," I said and rolled a six.

"Ha! You roled a six! I don't even need to role!" Director-san said, triumphantly.

"If you don't role, I automatically win," I said, smiling.

"Fine, you brat!" Director-san said and he threw it at my face. When it hit me, it broke in half.

"You lose!" I said.

"What?! I rolled a seven!" Director-san said in shock.

"ILLUSION OF INSOMNIA!" I yelled and cursed Director-san with eternal insomnia.

*Yugi's house...*

"Ahem...Grandfather?" I said and stopped controlling my master's body and it fell.

(Yugi's POV)

"Grandfather...what happened?" I asked after waking up in my bed with a wet towel on my forehead.

"You asked for my help and collapsed! I'm glad that you're should get some rest." Grandpa said, a terrifying sadness settling in his eyes.

"Okay, Granfather," I said and fell asleep.


"Yugi, Yugi, wake up," Grandpa said, lightly shaking me.

"What, Grandfather?" I asked.

"I got you a gift. It's a pack of Duel Monster cards," Grandpa replied.

"Thanks, Grandfather!" I said and hug him.

"Your welcome. Now, back to bed! You've got school tomorrow!" Granpa says, smiling

"Goodnight!" I said.

"Goodnight, Yugi," Grandpa replied.

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