1~ first day

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We've been in LA for one day so far and I'm tarting to like it, my first day of school is tomorrow so I hope that goes good.
Its hot asf down here so I walk to the store, I buy some ice cream and then head home. On my way home I walk pass this park and there's three boys. Three FINE ass boys, they were playing basketball. I go into the gate and sit down to watch, three girls come sit next to me.
Reni- hey I'm Reni
I smile at her and shake her hand
Mia- hey I'm mia
Reni- So you just move here?
Mia- Yeah And I start at a school called crossroads tomorrow
Reni- Fr? We all go there, so I'll show you around and maybe you can hang with us?
She points to everyone
Mia- sure I would like that, thanks girl
Reni- no problem. Let me introduce you to everyone. These two brats right here are mearah and Mimi
I laugh and they wave and smile, then she looks to the court
Reni- oh and the boys. The lightest one is Mikey, my boyfriend. The Chocolate One is Bronny, he's like a brother to all us. Last but not least, the caramel one. That Shaqir, Mearah and Mimis brother.
I smile nodding.
Mimi- you think he cute huh?
She says nudging me and smirking
Mia- he alright. I shrugged
Mearah- good don't like him, his booty stank
We all laugh and get to know eachother talk a bit more. So far I know they all play basketball at crossroads and they've been bestfriends for a while.
After like 1 hour of talking the boys walk up to us.
Mikey tries to hug Reni and she dodges it.
Reni- ughh Mikey you sweaty move!
Mikey- baee gimme Hugg!
He keeps trying to hug her and we all laugh.
Bronny- who's this? He asks pointing to me
Mimi- well NOSEY this is mia
He rolls his eyes and then shakes my hand
Bronny- hey I'm Bronny
Mia- hey I said smiling at him.
Mearah- Why you being so quiet Qir?
Mikey- Yeah usually yo ass is hella loud
Shaqir- shutup nigga I'm just tired
Bronny scoffs
Bronny- Tired my ass nigga, you ain't even do shit I made all the points
He just motions Bronny off and walks away
Reni- sorry I don't know why he's acting like that, he usually jumping around like he got ADHD
Mimi- don't even trip, he gets like that around girls he likes
I nod but make a confused face
Mia- But we just met, how could he possible like me?
They all shrugged
Mikey- you never know maybe it's love at first sight
I laughed shaking my head then get all their numbers, I walk home and go to room and find an outfit for school tomorrow.
This is going to be fun☺️ I just hope there's no drama.
It was pretty late so I was about to lay down when I got a text.
Reni🤩❤️- Shaqir was talking about you right after you left, hop on that!!
Mia❤️😘- if he like me then his ass need to talk to me scary ass🙄
Reni🤩❤️- I will relay the message🙂 goodnight girl
Mia❤️😘- LoL aight, night.
After that I turned on all my alarms and went to sleep.
(This was kinda booty but they'll get better, lemme know what y'all thought and if y'all think I should change anything.)

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