8~Doing Me

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Shaqir POV dec 25 10:30am
All I hear is screaming and shit, tbh I'm not in the mood for it. I know it's Christmas but I feel like shit.

I make my ways downstairs and my mom starts handing us our presents

Mimi got an iPhone X with an otter Box, lots of new clothes and swimsuits, some new kyries and lipgloss.

Mearah got lots of basketball shoes and some new clothes since she grows so fast, she got an iPhone 8+ and some hair bands.

Myles got some clothes and money

I got an iPhone X and some clothes plus some basketball gear and new shoes.

After we got done putting all our stuff away we all showered and got dressed. We were going to the hospital to visit my big brother Shareef.
Before he started his college year at UCLA he found out he had problems with his heart, problems that would be dangerous to play with, life threatening. He's been at the doctor for a while and should be having surgery soon.

That's also been taking a tole on me, I know I usually don't show emotions but that's my big brother man... he's been there through it all.
I wouldn't be myself without him. I love him.

We drove to the hospital and everyone hopped out the car, my dad was waiting for us in the waiting room already. He drove by himself.

My mom looked at him and she looked so scared, my dad was scared too but he had to be strong, for us, Shareef and My Mom.

This is her child, she brought him into the world. Now she has to think about something she hoped she never would, not know if if he's going to make it? Or if he'll be able to fufill his dream of making it to the NBA or not?

It's a lot to think about but we're all trying to be strong here.

"O'Neal family?" The doctors says and we all stand up. "Shareef is off some medication right now so he might a bit drowsy but you're all welcome to go see him." She smiled
"The surgery will take place tomorrow afternoon, if you have any more questions ask please." We nodded and she walked away

We walked to his room and there he was laying in the bed. He looked so weak, unhappy.
The Shareef I know is always smiling. This one was sad.

"What's up bro" he said trying to form a smile

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"What's up bro" he said trying to form a smile

I nodded and hugged him, all this was getting to me but I couldn't show my pain. Not infront of my family.

Ever since Myles and Shareef moved out, I've been the man of the house and I can't show weakness.

We all talk for a while and make jokes to ty and lighten the mood. He tells us how he hates the hospital food and how he can't wait till he gets some real food.

We hug and kiss him and leave the hospital.
We get home and everyone walks to their room, we're all pretty worn out.
An hour later my mom tells us to come downstairs.

We sit at the table and pray thanking the lord for our food and we dug in. They ATE everything and we were stuffed. I only ate a piece of ham but I wasn't really in the eating mood.

I just couldn't stop thinking about my brother, I don't know what I would do if there was a chance of me never playing basketball again.

I put in my jacket and some sweats, walking out the house.

Mia POV 8:30pm
My family and I were watching Christmas movies when There was a knock at the door.

"Got it" I got up and opened it. It was Shaqir.

He looked exhausted, tired, Sad. "You okay Qir?" I asked

"Do yo have time to talk?" He asked and I nodded quickly slipping on my shoes and walking out.

We walked to the park and sat down on a nearby bench.

"What up? You seem down" I said looking at him

"I know you've probably heard about Reef. Well we went to see him today and you Wouk t believe it was him if you saw him. He looked so different, more skinny then usual, he looked sad and worried.
He's usually good with these type of things and he helped me a lot but now it's him. I just don't know what to do."

I looked at Shaqir and my heart broke, I feel his pain, I don't know what I'd do if Liyah was in a situation like this. So him even being able to tell his emotions and good.

"Shaqir I'm so sorry, you and your family have to experience something like this. This is the last thing anyone expected to happen.
You're strong, you and me both know. Yes, things can get hard but you gotta pus through it, for your family, For Shareef and For Yourself."

Shaqir kept his head down, sobbing into his hands. I pulled his face up to look at me.

"Bab- Qir. Shareef lovers you very much, he will make it, he'll get through it and he'll ball again. You just got believe it."

He smiled weakly and we just stared at each other. He slowly moved up and I felt his lips on mine.

I hesitated at first but then kissed back. When I came back to reality I pulled back.

"I have a boyfriend Qir" I looked up at him

He sighed "I know, I heard. I didn't want to hear it but, we've known each other for some time Mia. Pretty sure we'll know each other longer too."

He looked me in my eyes

"We got time" he nodded

I nodded and continued looking at him "I love you Qir"

"I love you too" he hugged me and walked me back home

I walked back in my house
"Where were you?" My mom asked
"Qir needed to talk, I'm sorry"
She smiled "it's okay, I heard about his brother, I'll pray for them" I nodded and walked upstairs

First Love🔒- thanks for talking to me, I really appreciate it.
LOML💑- ofc. I'm always here for you❤️.

Sorry I took so long to update but how y'all break goin?
What y'all get for Christmas 🎄

~Young Love~ Shaqir O'NealWhere stories live. Discover now