Chapter 8 - Separation (IB & MARY)

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"You seem down, Ib. What's wrong?" Mary asked me while she was rummaging the old boxes. "I'm just.. I don't know really.." I answered. "Is it because of Garry? Don't worry! We'll see him soon! Lalalalaaaa---Ooh!" She picked up something that looked sharp and pointy. 

"What's that?" I asked curiously. "It's a palette knife. I'll hold on to this, this may be useful somehow." She giggled softly. I'm starting to find her very very very creepy. "We should go back then?" Mary suggested. "Yes, please." I begged. I really want to see Garry again. Just the sight of him makes me look safe. The lights flickered on and off quickly. After it stopped we see a mannequin blocking the door. 

"There's another door! Let's just pass by here!" Mary suggested. "Good idea." I said, trying to make her feel good. The room was a hallway. A very long hallway. As we begin walking, Mary started asking me these strange questions.

"Ib, is Garry your father?" "No, he's just someone I met earlier." "Oh, is your mother nice?" "Yeah, she is, if she's not busy." "What do you mean?" "She's always home late because of her work. So we don't really get to spend a lot of time together." "Do you want to see your parents again?" "Of course I do! Wouldn't you want to see your parents again?" She didn't answer. "Who would you rather be with, me or Garry?"

This time, I had to think this through. I wouldn't want to say Garry since she might feel offended but I don't want to lie either.

"I don't know.. You guys are both great." I said. She then hugged me tightly. The hallway was rather long, thankfully there's a door ar the end of it. The room had three doors. The first door lead to a room full of books so I'll call it the "Library". Maybe that's the only thing I like in this spooky place. They have tons of libraries. I like reading. I read the first book that caught my eye. It was a red book, and probably the only red book in this room.

"A Girl's Last Days"

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. The girl went with her parents to an art gallery. But all of a sudden, the girl realized that she was lost. She searched through the dim gallery but found neither her parents nor an exit. Scared, helpless, lonely, thirsty, and hungry, she fell and hurt herself.

I stopped reading.

"What's wrong, Ib?" Mary asked. "Nothing, this book's so nice. Heh." I left the room and checked the other door. The room had stairs, but was blocked by a mannequin, which, based from a previous experience, was too strong for us. Mary suddenly ran away when we went out of that room. I had to follow her. Even if she's very creepy, she's still part of the group and I have to see if she's okay.

She went to back to the hallway, I saw her stabbing a mannequin's head with the knife she took from the box earlier. "...M.mary?" I asked. I was shivering. This girl is officially creepy! I carefully stepped back and went back to the room.


I gasped. "Ib, we'd go together right?" She begged like a puppy. "Why are you leaving me? WHY!" I slowly tried grasping the doorknob of the other room. "WHY!" She started screaming which is freaking me out. "No, Mary. I... I wasn't trying to leave you." I said. Honestly, I wasn't. I just thought that what she did earlier was very creepy. I grasped the knob and opened the door. I tried closing the door but she was too strong. Very strong for a child my age. I slowly stepped away from her, not noticing, I fell off the stairs.

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