Chapter 1 - Parents

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My mom loves paintings. She paints too! Although I can't really say she's good at it. She's a huge fan of Mona Lisa, Flaming June by some artist whose name I forgot and the starry night. I, myself am not a huge fan of those. She always wanted to go to the art gallery she's been babbling for months, I think the artist was something Guertena. I couldn't remember the first name. So yes, she requested for two days off and was granted immediately so now she's taking me, along with dad to the gallery on Friday. Mom showed a huge smile on her face and was so happy like a president winning the elections. She researched more of his works, chose what outfit to wear,---May I remind you though that she started preparing during Tuesday. That's how excited my mom is! I've actually never seen my mom this glad, it made me feel glad too. My dad told me that mom was like a fan going to meet her favorite singer. I think dad's a fan of paintings too. He's just more disciplined than mom. On Tuesday, I decided to research on Guertena and his works, my dad helped me since he was curious too and I do not know how to turn on the computer. It seems that Guertena was an extremely popular artist in his time, but later after his death was deeply forgotten due to the new uprising, young artists. Guertena had a different mind, he thought differently, acted differently. His works were quite impressing to me. Some of them were gaga, which creeped me out, while some were really good! My dad liked it too. He told me not to spoil myself so he shut down the computer and told me that we will see his other works on Friday. I could no longer wait.


As my mom went home from work, she told us that she passed by the art gallery and there were surprisingly a lot of people inside, she peeked from outside the window. I went to my friend's house to research more about Guertena's works, apparently she knows how to use the computer! It also says here that Guertena never used a real person's face when painting. But what if there's really a person out there who looks exactly like the painting. She must be lucky then. An example of an artwork would be the "Red Lady". Come to think of it, she looks really familiar.


This was mom's first day off. We went out to the park as a family. Grabbed some ice cream, played games and laughed all day. It's something I'll cherish forever since that was the first time we got to hang out like what real families do. My dad would drop me off to school and head straight to work the whole day, while my mom goes to work when I get home. I have a babysitter with me but she's boring. She doesn't like to play games, she's always so serious, like she's only doing this for money and not for fun too. I'm just glad that I get to hang out with my family again tomorrow. I don't know what I'll do if they disappear suddenly. But I doubt that'll happen.

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