Chapter 22 - Boulder Flesh

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Finally, Irondawn wanted to make sure the Silver Hand was also by their side. For this, Craos had departed north once again, with a letter written by Argheros himself, and signed by him and all the Paladins of the group: Drahna Silverlame, Craos the Hopewalker, Orato Moltenhorns, and Anastriana Alahendal.

When it was clear that the construction of the Embassy was on the right track, they gathered to discuss something that was equally important, and the small group parted ways to put an end to the evil amassing at the Burning Steppes. Dunris was calmed, knowing that the first Embassy was safe under the protection of great fighters, those who would carry on with the project even if something happened to him and his companions.

Wolfeye's brothers had insisted on joining the group, for they wouldn't allow the family to be broken again. They also held Degharok in high esteem, and, when everything began, the three brothers had vowed they wanted to put an end to their people's suffering.

Erkagg was eager to assault the Titanguard. As a Monk, vengeance wasn't an objective to pursue, but he had to honor the memory of those who had fallen to protect him. It was his duty as his clan Warlord.

Irondawn had to force Gwen to stay behind, for she was still too young, and as such she was the true future of the Embassy. She only accepted her orders when Augustus and Razorhowl promised they would watch Argheros' back at all times.

Marsha also stayed at the building site against her will, but she was one of their most skilled diplomats and someone had to care for the twins. However, it was a coin toss what decided whom of the two parents would remain behind.

Ishgo and Syla were the firsts to volunteer, claiming they already knew the weak spots within the Titanguard's base camp. The dragon Priest in disguise confessed a profound hatred for Cobald, the Azure drake in service of those mad men. The Kul tiran insisted she just wanted to claim vengeance for her precious La Suerte, but Wolfeye was convinced she didn't want to leave Irondawn's side.

Moltenhorns had shouted that he couldn't be left out of the battle, so Primalhoof was forced to join the group too. It wasn't that the Druid didn't want to go to the Burning Steppes; he just didn't want the Sunwalker to waste his life for the sake of glory.

Drahna was brutally honest: she was no diplomat. She wasn't there to talk, she was there to fight. She was willing to attack the Titanguard with or without the others anyway. However, she assured Tandren had to join them as well. Despite his youth, he had shown great skill when facing one of the vile faction's leaders. And according to him, he couldn't say no to Drahna.

Raghek and Shagrah admitted they were quite intrigued by these titan worshiping people. Besides, if Tandren and Argheros were going to fight, they also wanted to claim some glory for themselves.

Drusila and Valja were also quite sincere. They just wanted the Titanguard to pay for what it had done to them. While the troll Warlock was somewhat childish in her motivations, the Forsaken had almost lost her life to her torturers, and wasn't willing to let such crimes go unpunished.

As usual, Anastriana approached Wolfeye silently but with determination. She stared directly at his eyes and said: "Now and always, I am your shield". Dunris was deeply honored, but he answered with a simple nod. Stormhand rushed to cheer at her words, for he swore he missed the old days when he had shared his hammers with them.

The last one to join the group was Velaah. She just made a hand gesture pointing at Korghan and shrugged, with that kind and merciful smile that never left her face.

The Ambassadors had made sure they would reach the Titanguard's camp without being noticed. They already knew where their enemies were hiding, so they would just have to be smarter. Those who remembered how they had been ambushed realized they couldn't just travel through the Burning Steppes without risking their lives.

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