Chapter 1: Basics

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Y/n's background story/Flashback

I was born by my beautiful. Mother, Luna. Her eyes glistened like diamonds in the moon light and hair black as the night, with the slightest bit of blue. She gave me to my grandma when I was just a babby. She says that se LOVES me and that she wishes that she can be with me, but she can. I... I just don't understand, being with my grandma isn't permanent or anything... but all that I can remember ever since I moved to Washington is that I was raised by my grandma and I have an older sister named... Moonstone... I also don't understand why my family has such a cool / weird names. Why is mine so plain and ordinary? It's like no one cared

Present day:

You just got done reading some more fanfiction of your favorite Creepypasta. When you hear a knock on the door you think it's weird because your grandma is out on a "business" trip(she's really just at the casino) in New York, and it's 3am. So you look through the peephole and see nothing, you think "maybe just some drunk ass high schoolers" but you are a high schooler so you would have known if there is any party or anything going on. This kind of freaked you out a little bit. But then again it's probably just your imagination since you did just got done reading Creepypastas. So you just let it go and start getting ready for bed. You'r cat Happy meows and walk's to she walks over to the door, "You want to go out at this late at night?" Since happy is a smart cat she nodded. "Interesting okay but be back soon" you talk to you'r cat as if she's an actual human being. 30 minutes pass and she comes back inside, she goes runs off to your room because she's ready for bed "okay baby let's go to bed" you baby talk to your cat. After using the restroom and brushing your teeth you sit on your bed and is about to turn off the light, but then your phone starts ringing it says an unknown number you hang up, it calls again, and again, and again "it's still 3 a.m." you said to yourself "who would be calling me this late at night?" You say confused as the starts to freak you out for a little bit you're extremely tired so you just honestly don't care. You hang up once again and it calls again you answer it "hello, who's ever doing this please stop it's 3 a.m. and I'm really not in the fuking mood to be doing this shit" you saying it kind of angry voice, all you hear is heavy breathing now you're really freaked out. You hang up and lock all the doors and windows in the house and then you worry about nothing and just go... To... Sleep...

Hi guys MooseGirl here. I really hope that you guys enjoyed my very first chapter of the Creepypasta X-reader story😁 I will hopefully post the second chapter soon but then again school and all so, and also can you guys Guess who's coming in the next chapter let me know in the comments. I hope you guys are having a fantastic and wonderful day/night and see you in the next chapter❤💚❤

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