chapter4: New person

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~Shawns POV~

All my friends helped me up the stairs.I know that DD is with Jack Gilinsky but can she just let me explain why she say me with another girl.I never liked that girl.I dont even now the girls the guys brought me to the Mall just to get my mind off all that bullshit drama on the bus.I walked into

Avenue 48.It was my favorite Vans shop. After I went to the bookstore.Yes I was at the bookstore but not for books I went there cause there was Starbucks next door.Me and Jack johnson went to Start

Bucks while everyoje else went to the food court.And the Funfair next door.They went on my favorite minie rollercoaster the thing that spins you around and makes you sick.And my facpve. Of all the bumoer Cars.They took me to bumper cars at least.I couldnt go on the roller coaster cause in case my crutches fell.After the mall we went to a hotel near six flags.Iwas excited cause 2 more days till my cast comes off.Taylor wassmart and thought of Sky Diving rifght after my cast gets removed.I was laughing cause I thought he was kidding.I should of known Taylor doesnt Joke like that.It was getting late or morning I stayed up till 3:00 in the morning playing this addicting game on my phone called flappy bird.i almost threw it in the toilet.So after my phone died I slept for like two hours and them woke up at 5:00am and decided to go outside and get some fresh air.I was walking outside till I bumped into a girl we both fell.

"I'm sorry about that ill take you back to Starbucks to get another one I'll pay for it."I said as i helped her up.

"No its okay."She said while wiped the extra coffee that was spilt on her but it wasnt a lot.

"No I insist."I said as I ajusted my crutches.We walked back to starbucks cause it wasnt far.We made it to the counter and ordered her an

*Expresso with extra wipp cream and chocolate and caramel drissel and extra blended ice.She thanked me once again.

"We should hook uo sometime."I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Sure, my name is Momo my phone number is 457-3290."she said as she put it on my phone.

We hugged and went our seprate ways.

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