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~Shawns POV~

I was walking with DD and Carter to the tour bus I carried DD up the stairs there are girls shouting to DD Sabrina and Isabelle BOO.But you cant blame them the girls are hott.I had my plan to make DD like me I was going to do it at New York.We were in New Jersey it was awesome it was different all the peeps and fans kept shouting at us.We never got our privacy we went to the five star hotel and we did the usual messed it up. while the girls went shopping we gave them $500 each and told them to give me the change.If there is any.After we told the girls were going to go swimming.At the warer park.I slipped into my quick drys.We were going to do a special youtube challenge its called "WHO CAN  NOT CRY WITH PEPPER SPRAY IN THE EYE"I was terrified as fuck man.First was.











I was number #3.i was so scared.okay first everyone had a pepper sprayer in there hands.every time some gets sprayed in the eye.the next person on the list gets sprayed.and we have to see who goes to the bathroom first loses.there are only 3 winers.

1st place

2nd place

3rd place

the others had to get peppered sprayed in the mouth.I was scared.okay 3,2,1."Aaawwww.!!!FUCK! "Carter said I started to laugh until I got sprayed I started to cry.The girls entered the room. "Who's ready to swim."DD said until she looked at all of us and we were all crying."Let me guess challenge."Sabrina said as she started to laugh.she looked at Cameron and sat next to him. the people who went to the bathroom was,







After they went me Cameron and Carter all went after them and sprayed the pepper spray into there mouths.

Our eyes were red as fuck man.We all drove to ATLANTA WATERPARK before we have to head to the night club for an interview. I was hang all the unsingle ladies and the single men.we walked to the gate and DD and Sabrina and Isabelle went to go to the dressing rooms and changed. They came out with there bikinies.they all looked hot.A little too hot till they sat on the beach chairs for like 5 minutes.People started to surround us.so they werent coming to ATLANTA to sit around we went up behind them carried them into the water. They screamed at us till we got them wet.We all started laughing till we saw fans rolling there eyes at them. we all sat on the beach chairs. DD sat on Carter. Sabrina sat on Cameron.Isabelle sat on Taylor and Jack sat on Jack.It was like a huge family here. it hit 5:00 pm we needed to start heading to the night club.

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