Chapter 4

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Now that Donna is alone with Harvey, she could watch him without any distributions. Nobody could see her here. He looks pretty handsome, even with scratches all over his face and she could barely resist her desire to caress his cheek or stroke his hair.

She turns her face away and looks out of the window. She has a beautiful sight on the central park. Even when it's still pretty warm for october, a few leafs have already found their way to the ground. The trees rustle in the wind and the sun shines, with no clouds in sight. Harvey adores this weather. On days like this, he often takes a run before work. His hair is still a little wet then, when he enters the office and she can't deny that that looks pretty hot.

Normally, she stops herself at that point, because it didn't do her any good in the past. She had thought about it and him more times than she was proud of, but it hadn't helped her in any way. And at the end of the end, it had only broken her heart a little more. Since she had broken her first rule, to not sleep with him, pretty fast, she created more.

Rule Nr.2: No falling in love with Harvey goddamn Specter.

But when she is brutally honest with herself, that rule had been bullshit from the very beginning.

Rule Nr.3: No thinking about him. Put those feelings into an imagery box and for your own sake, leave them there.

She hasn't been bad at this rule. She had buried them deep inside of her, but every now and then they want to remind her, that they are still there. Then she feels this small stab in her heart, for example when she saw him with Paula. But most of the time this rule works pretty well.

She has been so cought up in her thoughts that she nearly wouldn't have heard her phone.

„Hello?" Donna says, as she picks up the phone, still a little confused.

„Hey, it's me, Rachel. I'm calling to ask if there are any news...?" she asks after Harvey, but also after Donna.

„No, but it looks good. He will be awake very soon, at least that's what we all hope." Donna explains their current state.

„That sounds good. you maybe want some fresh clothes?" Rachel asks.

Ever since the Logan-incident, she has an key to Donnas' apartment and since she knows that Donna won't move a footstep away from Harvey tonight, she should at least have some fresh clothes. Normally, she would have tried to convince Donna to go home and to sleep a little, but she knows Donna too well for that. She knows that that's not negotiable. And when she is honest, she can understand it. If Mike would have been in a car crash, she couldn't go home either.

And Rachel knows that Donna loves Harvey. That she's in love with him. Donna had never confessed it to her directly, but as is generally known, eyes say more than thousands words.

„Yeah, that would be really nice." Donna agrees with her friend. She is very thankful, that Rachel doesn't try to talk her out of staying here with Harvey.

„Okay, and what do think about chinese?" Rachel asks.

Donna hadn't thought about food the whole day, she wouldn't have had any appetite anyway. But now, that Rachel mentions chinese food, she notices that she's really hungry.

„Yeah, that sounds really good!" Donna answers.

„Okay, see you in 30." Rachel says smiling.

„See you then. And Rachel? Thank you." Donna  says.

„Always." Rachel replies, before hanging up the phone.

They both couldn't repress their smiles. In the past few years, Rachel became Donnas' best friend and Donna Rachels'. They trust and understand each other completely.

A little later, Mike, Rachel and Donna eat together, at a little table across from the bed. They all are a lot more relaxed and happier, then this morning and so, they just enjoy the time they have left together.

Donna signs. She would really miss both of them. It won't be the same without them anymore.

Somewhere around 9 o'clock Lily comes to check if they have received any updates yet and to tell them that she booked a hotel room. She promises to come back the next morning, because she had had a long day and the whole stress had costed her a lot of energy.

Jessica and Louis show up just a little later. Together they play cards, talking about the old times. Everything would change so soon and this will probably be one of the last times they are all sitting together like this.

Sheila is pregnant and normally Louis couldn't keep his mouth shut about it. He has been really excited and proud and can't wait til the baby finally arrives.

Jessica has her new job and life in Chicago. Jeff had proposed to her, just a few weeks ago and she is really happy.

And Rachel and Mike will move to Seattle pretty soon, where they will start a family.

Harvey will be the new managing partner, his life goal finally becoming reality.

Everyone seems to be getting everything they have ever wanted, for one exemption: Donna.
Of course, she now is the COO of the firm and she really loves that job, but everything she has ever wanted lays in a coma in the bed across from her.

But she really loves working so close together with Harvey again and she once overheard a conversation, where they were called the ‚Super-Couple'.

For a while they all are feeling pretty nostalgic, remembering all the good and less good things they have been through together.

Soon after, Jessica and Louis say their goodbyes and leave the three lingering in memories.

Donna makes herself comfortable on the chair next to Harvey's bed and before she knows where she is, she has fallen asleep. The day has been very long and she hasn't sleep a lot last night either.

For a few minutes, Mike and Rachel watch their two best friends, peacefully sleeping next to each other.

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