Chapter 3

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„ is he?" Lily, who has just entered the room, followed by Marcus, asks.

„He'll be okay. He has a few broken rips and an broken arm. And an head injury, but they couldn't find any severe we just have to wait til he wakes up." Donna explains.

Lily signs in relief and walks over to his bed. She carefully strokes his cheek, before she greets Donna with a hug.

„Hey Marcus. How are the kids?" Donna says, greeting the younger Specter boy.

„They are good. Alex just had her first day of school a few weeks ago." Marcus responds, smiling at the memory.

„That sounds good." Donna answers and smiles. Donna has known Marcus for a long time and she knows his kids, too. She has been over at Harvey's a few times when they had visited. It's always been great seeing Harvey with the kids and spending time with them in general.

It's the first time, that Lily meets Donna in person. She has heard about her, from different people. Gordon has always said that she had put a spell on Harvey, even back then. And now, after everything that has happened with Paula, it all makes sense in her mind. Everything seems to add up. By now, Lily is pretty sure that Donna is ‚the special someone', that convinced Harvey to finally make his peace with her.

„Hello, I am Lily, Harvey's mom." she introduced herself to Mike and Rachel.

„Mike Ross."

„Rachel Zane."

They shake hands and exchange smiles. At some point, the nurse showed up again, for the hourly check.

„Hi, I am Lily Specter, his mother. Can you tell me anything about when his probably going to wake up?" Lily asks the nurse politely.

„Hello, I am Nurse Jacobsen. I am sorry, but that's hard to tell. Since his wounds seem to heal pretty fast, I would say that he will wake up soon. But again, I can't guarantee anything." Jacobsen explains very compassionate.

„Thank you." Lily responds and nods slightly.

The nurse finished the checkout soon after and left the room quietly.

„I'll go check on the firm and Louis and Jessica and I'll grab you two some lunch on my way back. Sounds good?" Rachel suggests.

„Yes, thanks babe." Mike answers and gives her a quick kiss.

„See you guys later, goodbye Lily and Marcus." she says with a polite smile.

„Goodbye Rachel." Lily responds.

Donna gives her a small nod and a smile, just before Rachel disappears out of the room.

„I'll go buy myself something in the cafeteria and make some calls." Marcus murmurs.

„Me too." Lily says, joining her youngest son on his way out.

„And how is the packing and moving going?" Donna asks, trying to start a conversation.

Just a few weeks ago, Mike and Rachel had finally married and had accepted an amazing job offer in Seattle. So, they would move to Seattle very soon.

„Some parts of the furniture were brought to Seattle yesterday..and most things are already packed." Mike answers and smiles at the woman sitting opposite to him.

„He'll miss you. He won't admit it that easily, but he will miss you both." Donna murmurs, pointing to Harvey with her head.

„I'll miss him, too. And you too." Mike says sadly, looking at the peacefully sleeping Harvey.

„Yeah, me too."

For a moment, they are quiet. It isn't uncomfortable in anyway, they are both lost in their own thoughts.

„He told me.." Mike whispers, knowing that Donna would understand what he's taking about. Donna simply nods, it isn't new information to her.

„Listen..I am sorry, if I-" Mike starts, looking Donna straight in the eyes.

„No, no Mike." Donna interrupts him. It wasn't his fault that she had decided to kiss Harvey.

He knows this, but he still kinda feels guilty for all the drama in the past few weeks and he feels really sorry for the way his best friend treats his other best friend sometimes. He has always been convinced of their love for each other and he has never wanted anything else than their happiness. He owes them everything and all he ever wanted was to try and help them to finally realize their feelings and to act accordingly.

„I know...but still. I just want you two to be happy." Mike explains.

„I know. And that makes you a very good friend." Donna responds and smiles at him.

She remembers the kind of similar talk they had just a few months ago. The night, where she had listened to her heart and kissed him. The night, that still made her heart race in her chest and the butterflies fly like crazy in her belly. And at the same time it had broken her heart. Once again.

„I'll go home for a few hours, if that's okay with you? I'd like to take a shower and slip into some fresh clothes." Mike explains.

„Yeah sure, that's fine" Donna responds, passing him a smile.

„Do you need anything?" Mike asks, before leaving.

„No, I am good, thanks. I'll stay here with Harvey." she answers and Mike recognizes the conviction in her voice. He nods.

Donna couldn't and wouldn't leave him alone here. Even when he's safe here, she couldn't bare the thought of something happening to him, especially when she isn't there. He needs her now. More than ever before. And she would be there for him.

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