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Young OoT Link's POV

I made it to my friend's house. I wonder what's up with that kid... I wonder does he like me?


Wait, yes he does! Man, I'm such a dumbass! Well, let's just hope that he's just a normal kid that has trouble communicating with other people...

I went in to search for Zelda. As I was searching for her, a female voice called to me. "Link!" I turned around and scanned the area to see a young in pink holding on to a plush of me.

Yep... There's Zelda. I waved hi and she waved back. "Came to hang out, Link?" she asked. "Yep. I was bored and decided to come here!" I said.

She giggled. "You must like me, Link..." I blushed hard. "Wha? N-no, I-I don't...heh, heh..." "Well, I have nothing to do, so wanna stop by the candy store?" she asked. "Yes. I would like that." I nodded.

We went out to the Hyrule market. While we were getting some candy, we bumped into another kid. "Hiiii..." I greeted, recognizing the kid. It was Linktwo, the kid that saved me earlier.

Zelda was in suspense. "Link? Do you know this kid?" I nodded. "That's Linktwo, the kid that saved me!" I exclaimed. "Wow! I can't believe that you had the heart to save my friend, Linktwo!" she said in awe.

Linktwo smiled. "It was an honor to keep him safe..." he pledged, glancing at me. "Uuhhh, well Zelda and I are gonna go..." I said, walking away taking the princess with me.

"Oh...Bye..." he said emotionlessly. Once we got far away from him, Zelda questioned, "Link, what was that about?" "I don't really trust that kid even though he saved me. I mean, he told me that he was in love with me in the creepiest ways..." I said in suspense.

Zelda stayed silent for a while, then said, "Well, if he does something that brings you any harm, then let me know. I will protect you!" I smiled. "It's nice to have a friend like you..."

We bought our snacks and headed out. We spent most of the day together. It was getting late, so we greeted our farewells, and went our separate ways...

I made it home just in time for dinner. While I was having dinner, I started to have strange thoughts but then shook them off.

I bathe and got ready for bed. Heading to bed was the worst thing to happen because of this.

I dreamt about myself being in chains, half naked. Not only that, I was chained to a fancy-looking bed. I felt a bit older and taller. I saw a blonde in black, revealing clothing walk up to me with a whip.

I was getting scared because I hardly knew this person. I was getting whipped over and over. It hurt like hell! I cried out in pain as the blonde was whipping me. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know that you weren't used to whips... Don't worry, I make this less painful for you..." the blonde said, hungrily.

I shot up and screamed. Who was that blonde? Will that happen in my near future? I hope not...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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