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Young OoT Link's POV

Today, I'm bored as fuck. I want to do something fun, but I don't know what... I know! I'll go visit my best friend, Zelda! I ran downstairs to have my mom yell my name.

"Link! Where are you going?" she asked. "I'm going to go visit my friend, Zelda!" I replied gracefully. "Okay! Be home at 5:00!" she ordered.

I nodded my head and went down the rest of the stairs to slip on my boots and head out the door. I ran to my friend's castle.

On the way there, there was two paths. One of them said "Shortcut" so I took the shortcut. The shortcut had a huge bridge and I got a bit scared.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with walking across a bridge, but this one seemed a bit unstable. I carefully walked across it and on my way off of it, I started to wobble.

I screamed as I fell and held on to a piece of it. It's not strong enough! The wood broke and I fell. I felt something grab my wrist. I looked up to see a blonde.

The blonde pulled me up. I panted of exhaustion as the blonde looked tireless. I took a look at the person. This person was an inch taller than me. The blonde had a long piece of thick hair sticking from his head.

The person was wearing a light blue shirt with three purple stripes that looks a tad big on them followed by light blue shorts with black legging under them with light brown boots.

Did I forget to mention that his right shoulder is showing and the person's eyes were sapphire blue? Yea... It must be a girl...

"Hi! Thanks for saving me!" I said. The blonde made a small smile. "I'm Link! What's yours?" I greeted. "Linktwo..." Linktwo greeted back. I got confused. "Are you trying to say that you're Link too, or you're Linktwo?" I asked.

"The second one... Why?" answered Linktwo followed by a question. "Because I was confused..." I replied. "Ummm... Are you a girl?" I asked. "Boy... Why?" he replied.

"I was curious and because I didn't want to mistake you for who you're not..." I answered, rubbing the back of my head. "You don't look bad..." he complimented.

I blushed. "Why would you say that?" "Because I like you..." he said. "But we just met!" I said. "I don't care! I like you, no, not like, LOVE you!" he said emotionlessly.

I started to get a bit uncomfortable. "Ya know what? Imma head to my friend's house!" I said. "Okay. I hope I get to see you again..." he said. I changed my angle to the end of the bridge, took two steps back, and ran away.

??? POV

Ah, he's SO cute! I want him! No one will have him but me! He. Shall. Be. Mine...

Hey guys! Sorry that I had Linktwo have the character description of Frisk from Undertale.

Hope you guys like so far!!!

Happy Reading! ^_^

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