Tears of Amegakure

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That night, Naruto met up with Shizune and Anko and took out to eat, and just have a night to themselves, Naruto watches them interact remembering the morning after Anko's confession.


Naruto has just woken up, stretching out, when he heard a soft whimper next to him as kin began to wake up hungry, with a soft smile he got up picked her up and headed to the kitchen, where he was met by his parents, as they were sitting at the table,"ohiyo kaa-chan, tou-san," he said the couple looking at their oldest and grand baby,"ohiyo Naru-chan, son," they said, Kushina got up and took Kin from Naruto and fed her a bottle,"so how was last night?" Minato asked putting down his newspaper, while Kushina watched feeding Kin, Naruto sighed,"it went well but Anko had a little too much too drink and now i know she is in love with me," she said to them making it short and to the point, the pair just nodded. Later that day He sent a letter to Mei about everything letting her know what is going on and to see if she was ok with it. He then got ready as he had the day off and took Kin with him to speak Shizune about last nights,'developments' he made his way to Tsuande's place as she was at work, since the Sennin spend alot there time as advisors and heads of there respective positions, he knocked, and soon enough Shizune came to the front door, a pair black shorts and a white tank top showing her amazing bust size,"ohiyo Zune-chan," he said to her smiling while Kin was looking at her, moving her hand up and down in a crazy wave, giggling,"ohiyo Naru-kun, my sweet Kin-chan," she said hugging them both as they came inside the house, Naruto took Kin out her harness and sit her on the floor, as the couple sat as well playing with her,"well last night went...well," he told her with that pause, making her tilt her head,"what happened?" she asked tickling her Daughter, (a thought she still loved 'her' daughter) well, Anko got a little drunk and told me she want to marry me and..." placing his palms gently on Kin ears so she could hear" wants to be my cock sheath," he told her pulling his hands off, Shizune turned beet red,"w-wow t-that's umm wow," she stuttered out at the bluntness,"yeah she is appearntly ok with being a sister/wife so i wrote to Mei about it now we wait from her, but how was your night out?" he asked her, she smiled and told him all about it and he listened and smiled, he was glad specially after the hospital incident. The couple played with there daughter in a comfortable silence.

(end flashback)

He watched the two talk and interact and was laughing as Anko was thinking of very 'Adult' thing for them on the wedding night while Shizune was still a bit sheltered and was blushing a bit at these provocative ideas, soon enough the three left and much too Anko's dismay called it a night as both parties had to be up early in the morning he took them both home, kissed them and said goodnight before heading home to sleep.


The week had come and now it was time, Naruto was at home with the Akatsuki, team Minato and Jiraya who would be the team for this off the books, under the guise of sending the Akatsuki back to Ame for diplomatic reasons,"you all have what you need, cause once we head out you will be out of luck," he told them all and they nodded and the team made way as it was late at night for cover, they headed out the east gate and headed for Ame, each knowing there part to play.

(timeskip to front gates)

After killing the guards the made there way inside,"all right you know your targets, go the meet back at the fallback spot," Naruto said as they went there separate ways, Naruto's job is to make a distraction and bring the bulk of the armed force to him, which he did, with a smirk he began to power up to hit an abandoned building.

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