Chapter 32: Mistakes

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Alyssa's POV:

I looked around at all of the boys, not knowing what was going on.

"What's going on?!" I asked annoyed and confused.

I looked at Zayn, he looked really pissed off, and ready to hurt someone.

"Here buddy," Harry said crying. He got a trophy from a shelf and gave it to Zayn. "Break this."

Zayn grabbed it out of his hand. And nodded. He threw it at the ground. It shattered in pieces.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I asked.

Harry handed me the papers he was looking at. The first thing that caught my eye was the picture. I got scared. Then I started to read the papers. I spotted a name that never appeared to me before.

The top of the first paper read :

Test Results For

Mathews, Anne L

I was confused.

"Who is Anne Mathews?" I asked the boys.

"What?" Niall looked at me.

"It says: Test Results for Mathews, Anne L."

Louis lifted his head from the desk. Then the doctor came in.

"What happened to my trophy?!"

Harry took the paper from me and looked at the name at the top.

"Doc," Harry said, "this paper says the test results are for Anne Mathews."

"Anne Mathews?" The doctor said, "let me see."

He took the papers from Harry.

"Oh," he said, "that's why that other family was so upset."

"What?" Niall said.

"I'm sorry," the doctor started, "I grabbed the wrong test results." He pulled one of his cabinets out and grabbed another folder. "This is your test results."

I took the folder.

"Again, I'm real sorry," the doctor apologized, "the names are sorted in alphabetical order, Alyssa, and Anne."

I nodded and opened the folder. I first looked at the top, to make sure it was mine. It was this time. Then I looked at the last paper, the one with the pictures. And I was sure glad at what I saw.

There was nothing.

I'm glad I was smart enough to look at the name.

"Gimme," Niall pleaded.

I gave the paper to him. He smiled and laughed. "Hey guys, look at this."

All of them but Louis came and looked over. They looked at the results and smiled.

Zayn looked at me, then walked out of the room, relieved.

"Lou," I said, "come here."

He waddled over to where Niall and I were standing. I handed the paper to him and he looked at it.

"Ya know," I said, "you should read everything before you for sure."

He looked at me, then came in for a hug.

"Thank god," he whispered.

I rubbed his back. "It's alright."

We stopped hugging, then I walked out the door to check on Zayn. He was sitting down in the chair outside the office, running his fingers through his hair.

"You're gonna mess up your hair buddy," I fooled with him.

"Oh," he said, "eh Alyssa."

I sat down next to him. "Everything's ok," I calmed him down. "It was a mistake."

"Yeah," he said relieved.

I stood up and held my arms out. "Come here buddy."

He stood up and hugged me. He rubbed my back. "Louis is really lucky to have you Alyssa," he began, "you are everything a guy wants. Nice, cute, and comforting."

I chuckled. "Thanks Zayn, that's sweet."

He nodded, then we heard a loud voice yell something from the room the boys were in. We ran in.

"Hey!" The doctor yelled, "what are we going to do about my trophy?!"

We all looked at Zayn.


Forever And Always (Louis Tomlinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz