Mila Oxlade-Chamberlain

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Dear Diary,

Hello, my names Mila Deborah Oxlade-Chamberlain. This feels quite awakward doesnt it? I'm terrible at writing about myself. You see, my health teacher's given us an assignment to write about our personal lives she's even given us diaries, okay, my Mum is Perrie Oxlade-Chamberlain, you may know her as Edwards though and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is my Dad. We live between London and Liverpool, so my accent is quite funky, especially because I spend so much time in the North East aswell with my Nana and Paps. I like making music and playing football, I'm actually captain of our Unisex team at school. My Dad was buzzing about it, so was Mum but Dad wanted to host a celebratory dinner for me,  I had to get Mum to talk him down! I have tons of homework so I'll leave it here for right now. Mila xx

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