week 5 // Sunday

525 26 14

"Liv." It was 5AM when he woke me up, and he sounded as if he was crying.

"Ash? You okay?"

"Liv, I hate it here already. I-I don't feel like I belong here. My brother and sister were so excited to see me but I-I don't kn-know who they are, and I h-hate it. I'm s-suffocating and I c-can't breathe here."

"Stay calm for me, Ash. Are you in pain? Do you think you're gonna hurt yourself?"

"I'm t-trying not to, Livvi, but it hurts. It hurts so much."


"It-it hurts in my head, a-and my heart and m-my chest, and I'm having trouble c-catching my breath. I can't do this. I can't b-be here."

My heart ached for him. I knew he didn't want to go back, but I didn't think it would be this bad for him so soon. "Ash, calm down for me baby. I need you to imagine you're here. Close your eyes and picture that you're on the sofa bed in my room." I could still here his hicupping sobs, but after a few seconds he said. "I'm here."

I did the only thing I could think to. I began singing to him.

"Lights out,

I still hear the rain,

These images that fill my head,

Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,

And tell my voice what it takes,

To speak up, speak up,

And keep my conscience clean when I wake."

His breathless sobs were slowing, turning to heavy breathing, before slowing completely as the song reached it's end.

"Liv... Please let me come back."

I wiped a tear from my eye. "I can't do that, Ash. It's not my decision to make. But I wish more than anything you could have stayed."

"I need to be with you."

"I need you too, Ash. But it's not fair, life's not fair. We're only 16, we don't have a say. But I promise you, I'm never more than a phonecall away."

"A phonecall is too far."

"I know, Ash. I'm sorry, But there's nothing I can do. In two years time, we'll be free."

"That's two years too long."

"I know, I'm sorry. Try and get some rest, okay? I'll call you at 11.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight, Ash."

"Night, Oli."


Kind of fillery, but it's also THE PENULTIMATE CHAPTER. Next chapter will be up really soon. It's like 2AM and my sister (who I'm sharing a room with) wants to sleep, but I think finishing this off is more important.

Sleeping on Sidewalks // Ashton IrwinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang