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nervously, mackenzie bounces her leg as she waits in a small booth near the back of the coffee shop. johnny should be arriving any moment now and she's eager to know why he insisted she meet him.

her hands curl around a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. it's chilly outside and she walked to school today instead of driving.

the bell above the door rings, alerting the staff and customers that someone has arrived, just as mackenzie expected, there stood johnny in the doorway, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

she raises her hand to wave him over and he sees her almost instantly. a smile makes its way onto his lips as he walks towards the booth where mackenzie is seated already.

he slides in, sighing as the warm heat engulfed him in a hug. mackenzie notices the tinted red that appears on his cheeks and just a little on his nose.

"didn't think you'd show up" he says honestly. it's not like mackenzie to take orders, especially not from someone she has zero respect for.

her shoulders bounce up and down in a shrug. "i was curious" she smiles sweetly.

johnny smiles back, he can't help it, her smile is just too contagious and he never gets to see it but that's probably because he never sees her. only in class and around the hallways where they usually have their witty encounters.

"okay so i'll get right to the point" johnny says, his eyes falling to the table and staring at the cup in front of him. his eyebrows crease with confusion.

"oh sorry, i didn't know what drink you liked so i ordered you a hot chocolate, the same as me" mackenzie enlightens, hoping he isn't mad with her choice.

johnny shakes his head, grinning at her.

"no it's fine, thank you" he quickly says.

mackenzie nods firmly, taking a sip of her hot drink. she sighs with satisfaction as the warm liquid travels down her throat and warms her from the inside. she catches johnny giving her a look whilst trying to bite back a laugh.

"what?" she asks, her voice laced with panic.

"you got a little something" johnny smiles, gesturing to her mouth. mackenzie widens her eyes, frantically wiping at her swollen lips.

it's too painful for johnny to watch as she fails to wipe away the cream so he takes matters into his own hands. reaching over across the table and wiping it away with his thumb slowly.

mackenzie stared into his eyes as he does so, a nervous blush creeping onto her cheeks. she's never been this close to a boy before let alone johnny orlando. snapping out of her thoughts as johnny licks the cream off of his thumb quickly, mackenzie clears her throat.

"so this proposal you have for me, what is it exactly?" she asks him, crossing her legs.

johnny smirks.

"you help me get nadia back and i'll take hayden's place and help you with your paper" he says simply but mackenzie doesn't quite understand.

"what do you mean? how can i help you get nadia back?" she asks, bewildered.

johnny sighs. now he understands why she got so frustrated earlier when he and hayden were confused about what she wanted hayden to do.

"it's simple really, you pretend to be my fake girlfriend for a few weeks which will make her really jealous and during those few weeks, i answer any questions you have and let you be my shadow for your paper" he explains, taking a sip of his hot chocolate afterwards.

wide eyed and less confused, mackenzie gapes open her mouth.

"you" she says pointing to him. "want me" she continues, pointing at herself. "to be your fake girlfriend? why?".

"because ziegler, nadia's friends are all coupled up and i can actually trust you to keep the relationship fake and not fall deeply and madly in love with me" he shrugs, leaning against his hand.

"what makes you so sure of that?" she challenges, raising an eyebrow. he's correct of course, there's no way in hell mackenzie would allow herself to become another one of his conquests. she's got way too much self respect and common sense for that.

"because you hate me" he chuckles.

mackenzie frowns. hate is a strong word and she definitely doesn't hate johnny. dislike, yeah. hate, no. she could never hate anyone. at least not without proper reason. just because he's annoying and gets on her nerves at times, isn't a good enough reason for the brown eyed girl to hate him.

"i do not" she says, her voice cracking.

"whatever, you get my point" he tells her.

"if i say yes, do you promise that i can ask you anything and you have to be truthful with me, do you promise?" mackenzie asks. she is desperate to pass this class and at this rate she'll do anything but she has to know that he won't take the piss out of her.

"you have my word" he swears.

mackenzie believes him but just to be sure, she sticks out her pinky, gesturing for him to pinky promise her as if they were five years old again. johnny rolls his eyes, he can't believe she's being a child about this but since it's important that he gets his super hot head cheerleader girlfriend back, he does what mackenzie asks and pinky promises her, their pinky's wrap around one another's and they both smile, nodding their heads.

operation fakeationship has officially begun.

did y'all stream
bad like i told u to?

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