" In the bedroom." Ashton murmured against his pale neck before leaving a small kiss just under his ear. Luke nodded submissively and walked into the room, his hands nervously playing with the ends of his shirt. Ashton smiled at him and stayed at the door, watching as the blonde listened to his orders when he went over to the dresser to find what he was supposed to wear.

" Good boy." Ashton smirked before leaving, shutting the door. Luke looked back at the door like a puppy who just watched his owner leave.

Accept, Luke wasn't a puppy.

And he rather be called Kitten.

The blonde stripped down to the boxers that he was wearing- they were tight and snugged his bum and, well, everything, nicely- and bit on his lip. He stared at the open drawer that held the panties that he was told to choose and wear.

There was pink, white, red and black.

The little whimpered, not knowing which ones to wear. He picked up one of the pink pair, it being lacey with rose patterns on it. He looked at a white one that was just plain white, but it felt and looked like velvet- The black one was the same way. The red one was almost like the pink, but it had a black bow that was laced into the rim.

He really liked this one.

The blue eyed man bit on his lip and pulled down his boxers, just now noticing that Ashton may have made him a bit too excited earlier. A blush filled his cheeks as he pulled on the red pair, it snugging his bum and hips. He smiled to himself and looked back at his bum as best as he could, smiling when he thought it was pretty enough for Ashton.

He then walked over to the bed that was all red with black lining and sat on the end of it. He loved the contrast of his pale white skin against the red- especially with the new panties he had just put on.

Luke's thoughts broke when the door opened up. His head perked up at the sound of Ashton's whistling when he felt as if his breath had just been torn away from his lungs.

Ahston- he didn't have his shirt on.

Yeah, woaaah, such a big deal-

But, with Luke being turned on from earlier events, he noticed the muscles that Ashton had, how toned and fit his torso was.

He was extremely hot.

" Luke? Did you forget something?" Ashton asked as he finally looked up from the door that he had just locked.

" U-Uh.. No sir?" Luke looked around, his hand nervously playing with the blanket as his feet swung over the end of the bed.

Ashton walked over and placed his finger under Lukes chin and lifted his head up. " Didn't daddy tell you you be on your knees?" He asked, dark hazel meeting bright blue.

" I-I-" Like was more surprised and flustered at the name that Ashton gave himself. Ashton suddenly placed his hands on Luke's hips and pulled him close, the little letting out a small gasp.

" I asked you a question." He growled softly. Like stuttered again, but nodded.

" Y-Yes.."

LUKE HEMMINGS IS A BRAT! -🍼- Lashton ( Ddlb/Smut ) Where stories live. Discover now