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Chapter 1. Callie's Pov

As the breeze hits my newly busted lip it burns sending jolts of pain throughout my body. I sit as the car continues moving. I am sitting in a car with a women I don't know named Laura or Linda or something I don't know. Going to a house I have never been before and I'm going to be living with her for "a little while" which is usually like a day or two. Before meeting Lena that's her name I was in a hell hole or as most people call it juvie. I just need to find him, I can't lose Jude he's the only thing I have left in my life and he's probably getting the crap beat out of him right now. I just want to forget everything my parents getting murdered me and Jude going to a foster home us getting split up. I just want to forget.

We pull up to a pretty big house and I walk in after Lena. I smell a nice fresh home cooked meal, I haven't had one of those in forever all I eat nowadays is prison food and canned food.

"Do you need anything there is a bathroom right down there and." Lena begins saying before I cut her off by walking to the bathroom.

I undress and turn in the water until it is steaming hot. I glide my hand across all my bruises from get jumped in juvie before I hop into the bathtub. The water burns my skin but after a while it gets rid of all the pain and not just from my bruises.

I sit there just thinking and that's when I realize I could finish bathing and go eat and probably get sent to a hundred more foster homes or I can end all of it right now, go under water and never come back up. I dunk my head under water and stay under there I start to get light headed until there is banging on the door.

"Callie, dinners ready." Lena yells and I swing up from under the water coughing.

I can go back under or get out, I'm about to go under when I see a Skippy the turtle sticker on the tile, I slide my finger across it and make my mind up and decide to get out.

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