21 ~ The Knock on the Door

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Blake didn't hesitate. He took out his phone and called for a ride and it appeared within seconds. He greeted the driver like he was an old friend and opened the door for Reilly. She looked back at the door Tainna shut a few minutes before, took a deep breath and got into the car.

Reilly looked out of the window, fidgeting with the hem of her dress that has pulled up mid-thigh. Blake covered her hand in his, Reilly looked to him and smiled, her nerves shattering when he smiled back. It wasn't long before the car came to a stand still.

He never released her hand as he pulled her into his apartment building and into the elevator. When the doors slid closed, Blake pushed Reilly up against the side of the elevator wall and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him back with equal force.

When the elevator stopped on his floor and the door dinged open, Blake picked Reilly up bridal style and carried her to his apartment door, without breaking the kiss. There he gently put her down and struggled to unlock his door, after the third attempt, it opened.

"Dude, you've got the wrong door," a robed man grumbled from inside, before closing it in their faces. Reilly couldn't stop the giggle from erupting out of her mouth, but tried her best to stifle it when she saw the red blothes of embarrassment creep onto Blake's cheeks. Without saying a word, he walked to the next door and managed to open it without any effort at all.

Blake held the door open and Reilly walked into the apartment and looked around in awe. The walls were warm and clean, the soft maroon carpet inviting her to take off her heels. Her eyes gazed over the white plush couch set and the dark brown antique looking furniture. A big painting of a group of wild horses caught her attention.

"Would you like some coffee?" Blake asked, his breathe catching her cheek from how close he stood behind her. Reilly turned around and traced her fingers over his still red cheeks, biting her bottom lip.

"No, thank you," she whispered, her hands slid behind his head and she pulled him down towards her, before she kissed him. Without hesitation, he lifted her into his arms, her legs instictively wrapped around his waist as he found his way to his bedroom. His hands made their way under her dress and she moans when lightning followed his fingers as they traced over her skin.

With a single movement he had Reilly laying on his bed, his mouth exploring down her throat and over her collar bone.

"Reilly, I've waited for-" a knock on the front door interrupted the rest of his sentence, he gave Reilly an apologetic look before he untangled from her. Reilly layed back in the bed, savouring the cold material that seemed to envelope her, as she listened to him leave the room and answer the door.

"Blake! Where were you this morning?" A female voice seemed to pout on the other side of the door.


"You said you were just going to check out the thing with Matt for a few minutes," she continued in a sickly sulking tone, "We had plans."

"I meant to phone-" he responded in a detatched voice, which barely sounded like Blake. Reilly got up and sat on the edge of the bed, a cool breeze sent shivers down her spine.

"Nevermind, my love," she interrupted again. Reilly pulled her dress over her head and tip-toed to the half open door, curiostity seemed to take over her common sense as she peered around the door, just in time to watch the nameless, tall brunette throw herself into Blake's arms and kiss him.

She expected him to push her away. When he didn't, she expected him to step back. But what she didn't expect was for him to not do anything. It knocked the wind out of Reilly's sails. A dark hand seemed to snake around her heart as she swallowed down a sob threatening to break past the hand she used to cover her mouth.

Without giving it a second thought, Reilly grabbed her bag from the couch and left. The door slammed behind her, but she didn't spare it a second glance as she ran down the stairs, too flustered to wait for the elevator. Not daring to waste precious seconds trying to figure out which buttons to press.

"Reilly, wait!" Blake called from the apartment door, but instead of hesitating or turning back, she ran faster. She ran about three blocks away before stopping, holding her side as she tried to catch her breath. Her shoulders sagging in relief when she looked back and saw no-one followed her.

She took out her phone and stared at the screen for what felt like hours, trying to figure out who she should call to fetch her, before finally deciding on an Uber.

A stranger isn't going to ask questions she wasn't ready to answer.

A stranger wasn't going to notice her tear streaked face.

A stranger wasn't going to notice that she's left behind her shoes.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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