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Bruh this song tho ⬆️ 💓

-right into hyunjins arms as he had ran to catch him. He quickly checked the boys pulse and sighed in relief at the feeling of the beat and the calm breathing pattern the boy made.

"trust the squirrel to fall asleep" changbin laughed and started to walk away with seungmin trading behind to take care of felix, the puppy looking boy gave Jisung a guilty and pitiful glance.

"can you carry him and ill do the zombie killing?" chan requested and hyunjin quickly nodded, picking up jisung and holding him to his chest, the boy wrapped his legs around hyunjin and hugged him like a koala, getting blood all over the side of Hyunjin clothes. He didn't mind.

"cute" hyunjin chuckled, blushing at the smirking glare that chan shot at him 

he walked after getting chan to wrap up Jisung's leg to prolong the blood loss.

"where are they?!" jeongin paced at the door, looking though the glass every few minuets

"calm down they've only been gone for a good thirty minuets"

jeongin huffed out and sat in the comfy booth

"what if they don't come back?"
"jeongin stop being so negative, jisung said he'd come back and teach you how fight!"

"I'm sorry, its just I'm worried" jeonign whimpered and woojin smiled knowingly, hugging the younger.
"It's fine"

It wasn't fine
Not when they saw Felix, blood all over him and Jisung looking mostly dead.
"Oh my loRD?!"
They rushed both boys in, getting a run down in the situation and quickly set felix up in the medical room that they'd made.
Jisung was simply set into hyunjins own bed, changbin right by his side, treating his wounds.

Jisung was sweating, face pale and lips cold.
Obviously caught a cold or a sickness of some kind.
Definitely not a zombie illness...right?

It had been three days and Jisung's condition hadn't gotten any better. Face pale, body wet with sweat.

Felix however was stuck in a room, healing.

"You said he'd be good by now!" Changbin barked out at Woojin.
"I have a minor doctors degree, I don't know THAT much, I have no idea what's wrong with Jisung!" Woojin shot back.
Changbin shot up and started to walk towards Woojin, but was held back by chan who had heard the commotion.
"Changbin, listen to yourself! Your not thinking straight! Go check on Jisung" and the boy was pushed into the room that the said boy laid in.


Jisung woke up with a most definitely strange feeling. His body ached and his stomach growled. What the fuck? He heard gasps.
"Quickly shoot him!"
"We're not shooting him!"
"He's a fucking zombie?!"

"What the fuck are you on about?" He groaned.
"Yeh guYS seE- waiT WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Jisung blinked lazily.
"What's wrong with you guys.." he rolled over to face them.

Suddenly he was out cold.

Jisung felt his mind swimming.
His pulse was barely there, he could hear his hearts slow, almost dead beat. Odd.

There were voices. Distressed, worried, happy and relieved? What was he, a dog now? Could he sense emotions?

Oh right, he was openly exposed to zombie blood. It must've been on the broken shelf that he scratched his legs on? But that wouldn't really do that much damage...would it?

To be honest he's been feeling sick for a while. Oh no?! Is he a zombie?!

His eyes shot open and his body kept forward.

"Ahh!" He saw a brown haired boy scream.
"aahH!" He screamed back, surprised.
They both sat in silence.
Jisung realises he was in a bed. Unfamiliar bed. He looked around. Oh, it must've been the cafe, he could smell changbin fretting from the other room....


He finally circled back to the boy on the edge of the bed. Oh

"Oh my god Jisung ! Haha are you okay? No of course you're not what am I asking, how are you feeling? Bad of course, never min-"
"Stop!" Jisung laughed at the others babbling. It was cute.

"You're..Alive..." Hyunjin said warily.
"It seems so?" Jisung looked down at the blood stains on his clothes.

"Jisung!" A voice yelled in distress as footsteps became louder and louder the closer they got.
The door burst open and in came chan.
He didn't even get to say anything before the elder jumped on him for a hug.

He couldn't breath.
"H-hyung" he choked out.
Chan jumped off him, worriedly patting him down.
"I'm fine!" Jisung chuckled.
Blushing under the fond gaze Hyunjin was sending him.
"No you're not! You're barely alive?"
"If alive at all"
What do you mean?"
"Well I think that his body barely survived the virus, I think he's immune"
"Immune? Are you shitting me?" Jisung coughed out.

"There's no other explanation, is there?" Woojin spoke as he meant against the door frame.
Chan sighed deeply. Jisung could second that. This was all so confusing, he'd just woken up from a however long nap(if that's what you call being unconscious) and he was....hungry...*gurgle*

Everyone in the room froze from there small chatter to look at Jisung.
The boy in the sudden spotlight blushed and quickly hid behind chan who had sat on the edge of the bed.
"Hyungggg~" Jisung whined.

Laughed filled the room before Jisung jumped up and ran.

Hungry. He was so hungry he couldn't stand it.
His felt dizzy. He was running. The smell. The smell was so intoxicating.

He spotted jeongin lounging on the couch, dozing off with a worried look on his face. The smell. It came from him. Instincts took over and Jisung jumped onto the boy.
Screams. Yells. What's happening?


I did it kids.
I updated it.
After so long I finally did it.
I started this fic with Woojin in it and I will finish it (never finishing it coz I'm lazy) with Woojin in it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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