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Adam Dawson’s POV

It has been two weeks, and I haven’t sent you a note or seen you.

I am getting better at avoiding you, but it doesn’t mean I want to avoid you.

I am completely smitten by you.

Today, I came to school earlier, I don’t know why.

I couldn’t sleep, maybe that’s why.

When I turned the corner into the hall where our lockers are, you were standing there.

I saw you slipping a note into it.

Stopping right there at the corner I looked at you, because I have finally been blessed with your sight, and I wouldn’t let this chance go.

You looked around and saw me.

Before I could stop you, you ran away.

My heart told me to call after you, but my brain told me to let you go.

I went to my locker and planned on throwing your note away, but my curiousness and heart won.

Why are you avoiding me?

S. D.

Because I am scared I will get my heart broken again, and I cannot risk that.

Crumbling the small note, I threw it away in the closest dustbin I found.

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