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Adam Dawson’s POV

It has been a week, and you are still wearing my gift.

Once in a while, I would see you grab it then bring it to your mouth to kiss it.

How I wish your lips were touching mine instead of that damn necklace.

That is one lucky necklace.

It is the necklace I got for you. I cannot believe you are wearing it, a silver chain with a silver S shaped pendant.

The pendant is small, and has green stones on it, pastel green stones.

Before fifth period started, I went to my locker, because I didn’t grab my books earlier.

You were also standing there grabbing your books.

I found a note in my locker, a small note folded too many times.

Thank you so much for the necklace.

It is the best gift I got and I love it a lot.

S. D.

Shocked, I looked over at you, and saw that you were looking at me from the corner of your eyes.

You blushed and smiled shyly as you closed your locker.  You then nodded at me and walked away.

What had just happened?

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