Chapter 3

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I've attached pictures of the adults in this story!



By the time I get to Claire's I notice that the event is causing quite the stir of media. It's either the event, or the scandal of Jordan cheating on Denise. I'm not sure whether it's true or not but I don't comment on it as I walk through the reporters and make it inside the gate before most of them really catch who I am.

I wave to the security guard stationed at the bottom of the driveway whose name is John. Of all the years I've known him I only recently discovered his name. He's a quiet sort. But he seems like more than an alright guy.

I open the front door with the passcode and walk inside.

"Dee!" Claire shouts from the top of the stairs, her rose pink robe tied tight around her waist and her blonde hair is up in curlers, "Thank god you're here!"

"Purple or blue." Amelia says as she comes into view and stands beside Claire.

"Uhm, why does it matter your bra colour?" I question as I slip off my shoes at the front door.

"Lennox is going to be there!"

I nod my head as everything clicks. Of course. Her end of school fling from last year. He went away to Europe for the summer and it looks like Amelia sees promise. After all, this will be the last event before our school year starts. The first year out of high school.

"In that case, purple. It makes your eyes seem greener." I tell her as I carry the dress and my bag over my shoulders and start walking up the stairs.

I follow them into Claire's room and see that they've already made camp in the washroom and laid out their dresses on Claire's bed.

I've seen Claire's before, a simple floor length black dress with red jewels across the bust and diminishing down the legs. I peel back the fabric of the skirt where the high slit is, and it reveals a bright red fabric on the inside. Very Claire.

Right beside it is Amelia's. Her dress is a long sleeve which I think is a bold choice for this heat, but I still think it's full of Amelia qualities. The V-neck that isn't too low, and her waist being cinched to the absolute max as it blends into the skirt to hide her hips. The dress is a green that would almost match her eyes if it were a little brighter.

"You like it?" Amelia asks as she walks out of the bathroom.

"It's gorgeous." I nod and run my finger along the flowy skirt.

"Eloise Sharp designed it." She smiles and holds the sturdy material of the waist. "Can't wait for you to see it on."

"C'mon Dee, let's see yours." Claire says from the bathroom.

I lay down the dress onto the bed beside the others and I unzip the bag revealing the glittery silver dress that I had bought earlier today.

"Oh my god." Amelia gasps as she reaches over to touch the dress.

Claire whistles a cat call as she walks over to look at it too.

It's an off the shoulder dress with no sleeves past the few inch straps. It's form fitting but not too tight, I just like the way it shows off my hips.

"And who are you trying to impress tonight?" Claire raises her brows with a smirk.

I laugh, "As if my parents would approve of any guy I was trying to impress."

"Hm," Claire thought for a moment before turning back around to the washroom, "You didn't answer my question."

Amelia chuckles and looks to me with a hint of sympathy, "C'mon, grab your makeup."

They both know how strict my parents are with guys. Absolutely not allowed to hang out with any guy other than my brother. I'm nineteen and I'm pretty sure I'd be married by now had my parents found the proper guy for me. They haven't openly talked about it, but I know they're looking. It doesn't take a genius to realize it when their conversation at the dinner table happens to almost always involve a young, successful, and handsome man.

My brother has had similar issues. Other families have offered their daughter to be wed with my brother, but none have seemed to interest him to the point of courting yet. He's two years older than me and he has less pressure to be married. How that makes sense I will never accept.

I don't allow myself to think further into the subject because maybe they're right. Maybe I am trying to impress someone. The only question though is who I'm trying to impress.

"Grab a plate first, I got all your favourites." Claire says and hands me a glass plate from the table. One of her maids must've set up the table underneath the long window in her room. Set on the table were plenty of cartons of Chinese noodles and meats. And on the side there look to be some homemade desserts.

"No way! Cindy made her brownies!" I instantly walk over to grab one.

"Yes, and it's made with soy milk as always for you." Claire winks and grabs one too.

"So good." I moan, "You must tell her thank you."

"I will." Claire laughs and begins adding noodles to her plate.

Amelia starts with the vegetables and I add some rice to my plate. It's not uncommon for us to eat very minimal before an event, but we all know there won't be a morsel left after we get back from tonight. Leftovers are always delicious.

"This one is beef by the way," Claire points to the carton of what look like peppers and steak, "But the rest is chicken."

"Thanks girl."

I know the found my eating habits a bit strange in the beginning of our friendship, but after a few failed Italian nights they both seem very accustomed to it.

We all bring our plates to washroom where Claire has a massive counter complete with two sinks and lots of additional space. We each take our chairs and sit at each counter space in front of the mirror, having the sinks in between each of us. I pull out my makeup bags from my backpack and set them on the counter.

"How're your parents with this whole scandal?" Amelia asks as she turns to Claire on her left.

Claire shrugs, "It's not a big deal. It's fiction. Watch, and next week there'll be rumours they're expecting another child."

Amelia laughs, "Aw, you've always wanted a sibling."

"Yeah, now I have you two."

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