(3) Does Anybody Know Love?

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When the the lift suddenly stopped and the old metallic doors came screeching open, Murdoc walked into the down the long hallway to the recording studio. His hand was still glued to 2D's wrist, making sure he followed suit. As the bassist entered the room, he pulled his singer inside and shut the door beside him. "Welcome home, Dullard! Let's get moving!"

Stuart's eyes scanned the dimly lit room, focusing on the large table of colorful lit buttons. He reached his hand out, his fingertips barley touching the top of one as it was smacked harshly away.

"No touching!" The satanist shouted loud enough to make 2D flinch. "That's my job. Now take this, get in there, and do yours. Murdoc shoved a piece of paper into the his singer's hand, and his long green finger pointed to another room, sound proof foam lining the walls. The taller man obliged -mainly because he was afraid- and walked in. He sat on a small stool in the room, a microphone and headset in front of him. Stuart knew from the past to put the headset on, and he did so quickly. He looked out through the glass that separated the rooms at Murdoc, waiting for instruction. The bassist made eye contact him, taking it as a sign that he was ready. He pushed  a button and light, cheerful music began playing in 2D's ears. An expression of confusion crossed his face just for a second, as the singer would have never imagined a song like this coming from the violent green man in the other room. He looked over the lyrics as the intro concluded, beginning to sing.

Up on melancholy hill,
There's a plastic tree.
Are you here with me?
Just looking out on the day,
Of another dream.

Stuart squinted his eyes, trying to read the next verse. It was smudged to an unbearable extent, and he couldn't make it out. He waved his hand in front of the glass, trying to catch Murdoc's attention. He could see the bass player roll his eyes, obviously frustrated. The feeling sent a chill down 2D's spine.

"What is it, faceache? What now?"

The singer swallowed the lump is his throat. "I can't read the next verse. It's too messy."

"Too messy? Too mes- oh Satan you're lucky I don't come in there and knock your bloody lights out right now. Show me!" Murdoc hissed out and tapped on the glass separating them. "Now, dullard!"

2D quickly hopped off the stool, pressing the paper up against the glass. He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot, not wanting to make his 'friend' any more angry than he already was. He watched Murdoc's expression change from anger to confusion.

"Oh. Well I guess it is fairly unreadable. Must 'ave been drinking. Fine. We'll start this again tomorrow, you're not off the hook." He opened the door and 2D walked out in front of him. Murdoc raised and eyebrow, and Stuart immediately felt the familiar grasp on his wrist. "Where do ya think you're going?"

2D, not really sure himself, stuttered out a response. "I-I'm tired Mudz...Do I gotta room here?" His large black eyes looked down on the bassist, who didn't answer, but instead dragged the singer back to the lift. After shoving him in, he pressed the lowest button and waited. The lurched closed and the elevator went down two floors. Down 2 floors? 2D thought. Didn't we already pass the first floor?

The doors opened and Stuart was pushed forward by the satanist. Down a hallway, he was then forced through a small door. He looked around to find himself in a cold, damp, practically empty room. All there was in there was a lamp, a small porthole window-out of which only the ocean could be seen- and a beat up mattress. He raised an eyebrow and turned back to Murdoc, who had a shit eating grin stuck on his face.

"Sweet Dreams, two dents." The satanist closed the small door, and 2D could make out the sound of a lock clicking. He was left alone in his tiny room, which felt more and more like a prison cell as time passed by.

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