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There wasn't much to do after Connor and Lieutenant Anderson left. An officer escorted you to a holding cell - a dull white room with a small cot and a wall of clear glass for them to keep an eye on you. Sitting on the cot with your back to the wall didn't provide much comfort or entertainment. Your mind drifted back to the coin Connor was playing with during the car ride over, and you found yourself wishing you had something like that to fiddle with, something to do with yourself other than wait until they returned from searching your computer.

Sure, they'd probably find the stolen blueprints and software, but at least it would hopefully clear Connor's suspicions that you'd been murdering androids.

With a sigh, you let your head fall back. Nothing to do but wait, You thought unhappily, drumming your fingers against your knees. A minute passed, then two, and that photograph of the three deactivated androids flashed behind your eyes. If Connor and the lieutenant hadn't told you they were dead, you would have guessed they just took their skin off and went into stasis on the floor - although that scenario seemed a little strange.

Even stranger, though, was Connor's words when he accused you: "You reprogrammed him to shut down... to corrupt his own memories." So, the androids had just shut down; they weren't hurt or malfunctioning.

Then you remembered something else Connor said: "The memory probe was... Inconclusive."

Lieutenant Anderson lied - they weren't withholding your patient's name because it was private case information, they didn't know because they couldn't get anything off the android's memory. No wonder Connor suspected you. That kind of effective memory tampering required an intimate knowledge of android software.

A rap of knuckles on the glass startled you out of your thoughts. Lieutenant Anderson stood there with one hand in his raggedy coat pocket and Connor a few steps behind him.

You raised your eyebrows at both of them. "Found what you were looking for?"

"Well kid, we've got good news and bad news," Lieutenant Anderson started, "Which do you want first?"

"The bad news, please."

Connor's LED shifted to yellow. "We found what you didn't want me to see on your computer," He stated, "The CyberLife blueprints and software you should have handed over once your employment contract was terminated - and records of you using those software and hardware blueprints on androids without authorization from CyberLife."

You knew they'd find it, but hearing Connor say it out loud still made your stomach drop. "And the good news?"

"Everything you used was CyberLife certified," Lieutenant Anderson said, as he pressed his palm against the scanner to open the door to your cell. "None of the software you've got would have killed those androids."

With a sigh of relief, you hopped down from the cot and walked out of the cell only to be stopped when Connor stepped in front of your path.

"It seems I owe you an apology," Connor muttered. "Hank informed me that I was hasty in my accusation during your interrogation. I hope you'll forgive me."

The lieutenant in question was trying, and failing, to hide a smile by pretending to scratch his beard. You returned your gaze to Connor, whose eyes hadn't left you since his sincere apology.

"It's... Alright. I think I understand why you were convinced it might have been me. You were just trying to do your job." Connor's LED pulsed yellow, and the tension left his shoulders. Your mind returned to what you realized during your time in the cell as you looked at Lieutenant Anderson, "Connor couldn't get anything off the androids, could he? No cause of shutdown or last memories?"

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