Chapter 3 ~Renae's POV~

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I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets, staring at the ground as I headed off to Gravity Tunes. By the time I got there, Kitty was already leaning against the building. As soon as she saw me, her eyes lit up and the natural smile that she practically always wore spread across her face. She was a naturally happy person, always smiling and up-beat. A lot of people mistook us as sisters since we shared the same skin colors, some facial features, and she had similar blonde hair though mine was a lot fuller. "So your parents are really gonna have another kid?!" she asked as she skipped up to me. "Yes, and it's not a good thing!" "Why not? I've always wanted a sibling..." "It's different when you already have three of them and you're getting a fourth!" "Whatever. Should we head inside or...?" "Yeah, I think I'm gonna play a bit." "I thought that was a Tuesday and Thursday thing." "Well yeah but playing helps me calm down but I really don't want to be at my house right now!" I pushed the door open and was quickly greeted by Blaine, the son of Gravity Tunes's owner and faithful employee. "Hey Renae. Kitty. What'cha doing here? You gonna play, Renae? Heh that rhymed..." "Yeah, I think so," I answered him. "Heehee, it /did/ rhyme!" Kitty giggled. Yeah, she's had a crush on him for years now. Blaine had dark brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and could play guitar well. I could see why she liked him. Blaine goes and finds me my favorite guitar in the whole store- I've been saving up my money to buy it. He plugs it into an amp in the center of the store where I always play when I do. I start to strum the guitar and begin singing Don't Start Unbelieving by Travel.

🎶"Not a city girl that's living an accompanied life! She took the midnight train unsure of her destination!"🎶

I sang as a few people came over to watch me play. I didn't mind performing at all. In fact, I enjoyed the thrill and adrenaline that coursed through me as people cheered me on. By the time I was done playing, a small crowd had formed since most people who regularly spent their time here knew who I was. I really loved my reputation as the girl who could play music as well as baseball- both shared a space in my heart as my passion. As I unplugged the guitar, handing it to Blaine, and begin making my way through the people, I crashed into someone. "Oh, sorry!" I said as I took a step back to see who it was. I didn't recognize the person who I had run into. He had fiery red hair and piercing ice-blue eyes. "Oh no, it's ok! It was my fault anyway. Great playing by the way! And oh! My name is Todd Vega." He held out his hand and I shook it. Then I noticed another boy beside him. He was tall and lean with light blonde hair and hazel eyes. "I'm his brother, Eric." I shook his hand as well. "Hi, I'm Renae. Renae Peters if I must," I told the two. "You guys new in town?" Kitty asked them as she popped up beside me. "Oh sorry I'm Kitty!" my best friend smiled as she extended her hand and they each shook it, introducing themselves again. "Yes, we're new," Eric answered her question. "Really? Then why don't you two come with Kitty and I back to my house and we can tell you all there is to know about this town? Consider it a welcome gift," I offered. "Alright! Sounds great! Thanks!" Todd accepted, smiling. "Lead the way," Eric put in.

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