Chapter 2 ~Renae's POV~

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WAT?! I looked around. Trinity was beaming, Keke looked excited, and Elijah seemed confused. I gave a haughty laugh, shaking my head. I clapped slowly and sarcastically. "Wow. I'm more surprised that I was surprised by that news than at the news itself! I should've known that you were planning on telling us something and considering how many kids you have now it makes total sense that that would be what you wanted to tell us! Well I think I'm just gonna go finish up dinner in my room now, thank you." I angrily grabbed my plate and stormed out. My dramatic exit was ruined, however, when my fork fell off my plate and I had to stop to pick it up... Anyway, I was pretty pissed. Did they even consider us?! I just convinced them to let me take KeKe's room and make KeKe go share with Trinity so I could have my own room! So long own room that I had for two months. Five kids?! Five! It's hard enough with four! We were gonna run out of money and live on the streets- or worse; the Breedlove's house! So. Much. Positivity! The only possible good thing that could come out of this was that maybe it would give me an excuse to go to my best friend, Kitty's, house more often. We were either gonna lose our house or live on Ramen noodles until we all moved out! The next day I decided to get out of the house for a bit so I texted Kitty to meet me by Gravity Tunes, Gravity Falls's music store, at noon. As I walked to the door, still zipping up my jacket, my dad continued trying to make me not be mad at Mom and him. "See Renae, four's... Four is for quitters!" I stopped walking for a moment to think. "Funny," I said, "That's the same thing you guys said about three." I then walked out, not letting him say anything else.

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