"No, I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know you're a good kid and doubting you was not okay. I wish you would have said something sooner. We can transfer you to a new school if we need to."

"No," Stella shook her head. "I've got a few more months before high school I can handle it. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart," Tyler pulled into their driveway and parked the car. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before opening the door. "I just hope your dad doesn't have an aneurysm before we can explain that to him."


age 14 - ninth grade

"Okay now for this one I want Jude to wrap his arms around Stella's waist," Josh ordered as he kneeled down to get a picture of the two teenagers.

"Daaad," Stella groaned. "We're just going as friends you don't have to make this weird."

"I know. That's the exact reason I'm making it weird," he replied looking at the camera screen to inspect his picture. "He's not gonna try anything if you guys are just going as friends," he turned to his husband. "Ty, the picture's blurry again."

"That's why I always take the pictures. I've always been better at avoiding making their faces blurry," Tyler laughed as he kissed Josh's cheek and took the camera from him. He gave a wide smile to Stella and Jude. "Say homecoming!"

"Homecoming..." they simultaneously replied in a monotone voice as they both fake smiled.

"Are we done now?" Stella asked, adjusting the top of her dress.

"One more," he turned to Jude's dad. "Hey, Bren will you get one of Josh and I with Stella?"

"Only if you get one with Sarah and I with Jude," Brendon replied with a smile as he stood up and set his beer down. Josh and Tyler have been really close with Brendon and his wife, Sarah, for a long time and were really excited when Tyler and Josh got approved to adopt a few months after Sarah found out she was pregnant.

"Deal," Tyler handed him the camera as he took Josh's hand and led them towards their daughter.

"Please don't do anything embarrassing if you're gonna show these at my graduation," Stella joked.

"Oh we're only using the embarrassing ones at your graduation," Josh replied, wrapping his arm around Tyler's waist.

"Smile," Brendon said and the three did as they were told. He took a few different shots and Tyler had to approve them before the other family took their pictures.

Once they were finished, the kids said their goodbyes. "Jude have my daughter home as soon as the dance ends and don't try anything on the way home either   Just because you can drive doesn't mean you can–"

"Tyler I swear on my life I won't try anything with Stella. She's just my friend. Besides, I have a girlfriend and the only reason I'm not going with her is because she has mono," Jude smiled at his friend's dad, mostly in assurance.

"Wow thanks for making me feel special," Stella rolled her eyes playfully.

"If you guys wanna go do something after go ahead just be back by midnight so we can kick your parents out of the house," Josh told them. "Have fun."

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