8: Distractions

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[Princi's POV]

I sat on the couch on a Saturday morning, a little bored. My phase of complete depression had passed; I was eating again, and getting a little more sleep. Now, though, I wanted to get out and do something that could distract me a little. Something that might make me feel better.

I thought of options, but yoga was definitely out of the question. I didn't want to play sports, since I'm not the most active person.

I settled on a simple walk through the city just for today, and I could think of a hobby later. As I set foot on the sidewalk, I couldn't help but savour the fresh air. I was stuck inside for so long, in both the school and my house, that I had forgotten what it was like to enjoy the sunlight and cool wind on my skin.

It felt good, to be honest. So good. I spent the whole afternoon out in the city, enjoying the outdoors.

When I arrived home, I flopped down on the couch with a slight smile on my face. I hadn't smiled in a long time, and it filled me with hope. Maybe, just maybe, things would get better? I just had to get over losing Baldi.

With that thought, that hole in my chest made itself noticeable. I sighed, curling up on the couch.

I did end up getting dinner, though. It seemed like I was learning to ignore the pain. It was still there, but I could push it aside now.

I got to sleep that night, but not before thoughts of Baldi clouded my mind. Oh, if only I could get him back...

Maybe I could, if I tried.

To Be Continued...

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