Chapter Four

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"I wonder which one is the boyfriend." Sebastian whispered, right next to Simon's ear. Simon jumped.

"Jesus!" Simon gasped. "You should stop doing that. I already told you I wasn't interested."

"No." Sebastian said, smoothly. "You said you had a boyfriend. And you never actually said no."

"OK." Simon said, stepping back. "No. I am not interested. I don't want to have drinks with you. Or dinner. Is that clear enough?"

Sebastian's eyes darkened. "That wasn't very nice, Simon." He said, not smiling. "You shouldn't lead people on."

"I didn't...whatever." Simon sighed. "I'm still not interested."

Sebastian grabbed his wrist and squeezed. "You shouldn't talk to me like that. I have been nothing but nice to you."

"You..." Simon winced. "You are not being very nice now." He looked around and saw that nobody paid them any attention. "Let me go."

"You know what I think?" Sebastian asked casually. "I think you don't have a boyfriend. It's just a ploy. You like to play games."

"Let me go." Simon pulled at his hand. Sebastian pulled him closer.

"Leave him alone." Jace said. He pushed past Simon and stood between Simon and Sebastian. Simon almost whimpered with relief as his wrist was released.

"Oh?" Sebastian cocked an eyebrow. "Him? I never would have guessed."

"You heard me," Jace said menacingly. Sebastian smiled and stepped backwards. "See you around, Simon."

"You will leave him alone." Jace said, quite fury in his voice. "If you come near him again, I swear to..."

Simon grabbed Jace's arm. "OK, OK. I'm OK, we're OK. Let's go. Jace?"

Jace stayed until Sebastian left, smiling. When he left, Jace relaxed and turned to face Simon. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah." Simon said, and then wrinkled his nose. "Not that I'm not happy you saved me, but I'm sure I can take care of myself. I think."

"Sure." Jace grinned and leaned to kiss him.

"Oh." They froze when they heard Alec's exhalation. Jace swore under his breath and turned. Simon saw Magnus stood next to Alec, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Oh, hi Alec." Simon said flippantly. "I'll just be going to..." Jace grabbed his hand and pulled him back as he started to walk away from the tense environment.

"You...You are straight." Alec said, still looking stunned. "You said..."

"I know what I said." Jace said, quietly. "I just..."

"I think we're in the way." Magnus said. "If we could just..."

"You don't seem surprised, Magnus." Alec said eyeing his boyfriend. Simon's eyes widened. Magnus shrugged. "That's because I'm not."

"You told him." Jace turned to Simon, who raised his hands.

"I didn't. I swear." Simon said quickly. "Magnus has a knack for knowing things."

"You knew! And you didn't tell me." Alec turned to face Magnus. "Really?"

"It wasn't my place." Magnus said, simply.

"Look. It's not a big deal." Jace said. "So I'm straight as you thought."

Simon giggled then clapped his hand to his mouth. Alec squinted at him, not amused. Turning back to Jace he asked. "So you and Simon?"

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