Chapter 3:The Forest of Unkept Secrets

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The Forest of Unkept Secrets

    The next day, Mason awoke in his bed, snug before the heater. The sun was killing him. James (Mason's twin, 6 minutes older) was snoring. Oh, well. Mason could smell pancakes already. Everyone was awake.  Well, except for James, but still.

    In the kitchen, everybody was talking and talking about winter break. Sadly, there was only 1 inch of snow left. Darn. Mason's mother rushed toward him.

"Mason!" she said. "Go get James. Me and your father have a surprise for you all." Mason's father was a former pro athlete. He ran (and won) marathons, performed archery and got God-knows-how-many gold medals in the Olympics. Also sadly, no one in Mason's school knew that yet.  Sigghhhh.

After breakfast (and after dragging James out of bed) Mason hoped his mother would announce the "surprise." She did.

"All right." said his mother. "Me and your father had decided to go to Africa to visit the famous 'Forest of unkept secrets'."

Those words hit Mason like a truck. A forest??? Mason wanted to spend his break in the snow. Even if it was just an inch.

That's when he felt something sharp. He pulled out the second piece from his pocket.At midnight, he nabbed it from the window. I guess we should go, Mason thought. The piece seemed to agree.

So, the next day, when they could've been playing in the snow, Mason Steelworth and his family were driving to the airport.There was no traffic, though. And Mason's parents were rich enough to get all of them 1st class tickets. That rich.

On the way to Africa, Mason thought, and thought, and thought about the forest. That's when it hit him. The. Third. Piece. The words sank in. The third piece, Mason thought. The third piece is in the forest!!! Clearly, he was supposed to collect these pieces for some reason. He figured three pieces would be enough to find out.

Still, the hooded man was a mystery to him. How does that guy even know about the six pieces? Is he even alive?

Then, Mason heard a voice.

"That's a question for another day." said the voice. " Now get some sleep. The third piece is waiting."

Mason leaned his chair back to make it more like a bed and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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