Entry 34 - Just In Case

Start from the beginning

And suddenly his mouth was gone. The air felt cold against my burning neck. My vision was hazy as I opened my eyes and tried to focus on him.

"There now. I think we are both on the same page. And that's just in case you suffer a lapse of memory again." His finger trailed across my neck gently.

I don't think I could have responded even if I wanted to. I was rendered completely speechless and out of breath. He bent down and just barely brushed my swollen lips with his, and then he had pulled away completely and walked away towards our bedroom.

I missed the feeling of his body against mine as soon as he was gone, but I was glad for the minute to get my breathing under control. To get my body under control. I don't know if I've ever been kissed like that in my life, and I was finding myself incredibly turned on.

But he had walked away, and so obviously this wasn't going any further. I tried to think of something else, something boring and maybe even disgusting to try and reduce the tightness of my dress pants.

All that came to mind was his deep voice in my ear. The feeling of his lips on mine. The hot heavy kisses he trailed down my jaw and neck...

Nope. That definitely wasn't helping.

I hit the wall in frustration. Why on earth had he turned me on like that only to walk away from me? I wasn't ready for that kind of contact after more than six months of nothing.

"Hey, you gonna stay out there all night, or get changed out of your suit?" His incredibly calm voice called out from our room.

"I'll be there in just a minute."

When I finally found myself sufficiently calm to be in the same room as him again, I joined him in our bedroom. He was already changed into a T-shirt and sweats, and was in the middle of taking off his watch that he had worn today.

He turned at the sound of my footstep, and grinned at me. I was surprised to see just the slightest bit of sheepishness in the way he was watching me. It was almost like he wasn't quite sure exactly what had just happened in there. Believe me, he wasn't the only one.

I could tell things were about to get awkward. I could just feel it in the air. Before they could though, he spoke.

"I set out some sweats and a shirt in the bathroom for you. I wasn't sure how long you'd need out there." He looked like he was barely holding back a grin, and I glared at him.

"Asshole." He laughed, and although it was slightly embarrassing, he had somehow managed to keep things from getting awkward.

"I can't really take that glare seriously with how cute and flustered you look right now."

I was so shocked by the sudden compliment that I found myself rooted to the spot, cheeks burning an even deeper red then the excitement of the kiss had caused. So much was happening in such a short time that my brain was having trouble processing it all. Thomas was being so completely un-Thomas.

He was being so...so......gay.

"The clothes are in the bathroom." He reminded me softly when I didn't move.

Finally my feet remembered how to work, and I managed to walk the few feet that separated me from the quiet solitude of the bathroom. I changed quickly, not wanting to miss a moment that Thomas might be behaving this way. With the sudden change that had come over him, who knew how long it would last.

I opened the door after I had changed, and began brushing my teeth. I felt more than I heard him walk up behind me. Glancing in the mirror, I saw him leaning against the door frame just looking at me.

"What?" I asked around my toothbrush, and he smiled, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"Just admiring something I left on your neck." I looked in the mirror and for the first time saw just what he had done.

Just above my collarbone, in probably the most obvious and easily seen place ever was a massive hickey. Not for the first time that night, I found myself blushing a deep shade of red. Thomas just chuckled, and kissed my neck swiftly before letting go of me completely.

"It just seemed like your wedding ring wasn't an obvious enough sign that you belonged to someone else. Maybe that will help let everyone know that you are mine."

"W-what?" I spit out my toothpaste, and rinsed my mouth quickly so I could turn around to talk to him again.

"Mine? My husband. You know, like, the person I married for the rest of my life."

"What happened to you?" I whispered in surprise, and now it was his turn to blush ever so slightly.

"I just don't share very well. I think I told you that a long time ago. I don't share anything well, especially my husband."

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