Chapter Seventeen

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"Ethan, why do we still need to go to school when the hunters could strike at any minute?"

I swing my legs against the wall outside the front of the school Ethan and I were currently sat on skipping the last class of the day because Math had gotten boring in the current climate, when danger could strike at any minute.

Ethan runs his fingers through his hair sighing loudly, "the hunters are having issues gathering numbers, and it's taking more convincing than normal. But they don't know that the vampires and werewolves know the plan. We have nothing to worry about."

It was surprising how calm Ethan had been this past week, he was our go-between and had been doing a good job getting information off the hunters for us while misleading them at the same time. At first, he was all for the plan to get me out of town but he didn't bring it up in conversation again since that night, because if I had to leave town then that meant he'd have to leave with me not getting to face the hunters and prove himself.

The last bell rings signalling the end of school. Ethan hops off the wall and brushes the dirt off his jeans.

"I'm heading to Lucas's. I'll see you later when I come over to study."

I nod and wave him off, waiting until I see him get into his car and drive out of the parking lot. Taking my bag over one shoulder I zigzag past the students eager to leave school and re-enter the main building. Little did Ethan, Lucas, Liam, and Kyle know that I was going to fight alongside them instead of running which was why I'd done some shopping of my own for the upcoming fight.

Opening my locker I find my recently purchased tazer and bury it in the bottom of my backpack underneath my jacket out of sight and out of mind. This weapon was more self-defence instead of offensive. I'd been given a small demonstration from the guy in the shop, who didn't blink twice at a young girl buying a tazer. I just had to tell him it was for protection and he even threw in a small discount.

Making my way back out of the school and to the left side of the parking lot where my own car was parked. I open the driver's side door and place my backpack open on the seat before removing a scarf. Making sure the coast is clear I put my hand under the driver's seat and dislodge a gun, which I also purchased at the same shop as the tazer. Placing it in the scarf along with a box of ammunition I wrap it up and place it in the backpack as well.

Now I needed to go home and get ready for the study session with Ethan later while he made out with his boyfriend.


After a rather heated make-out session Lucas he retreats from his bedroom saying he had something to give me. I wasn't really happy to be misleading Rose, especially since she was my first friend in this place but he kept assuring me that getting her out of town was best for everyone even if that meant I had to go with her.

Lucas comes back into the room holding a small glass vial containing white powder. He tosses it to me and I'm able to catch it before it smashes on the floor. A vial of white powder, was Lucas giving me drugs? Was this his way of saying goodbye for god knows how long? I examine the vial with caution.

"Err what is this?"

"Put it in Rose's drink and it will knock her out, it's a more concentrated sleep powder. That way when she wakes up the two of you will be far away from here. You know this is for best Ethan."

So it was sleeping powder, he wanted me to drug Rose.

"She's going to hate me when she wakes up Lucas. I don't want her to hate me."

Lucas sits back down on the bed beside me and pulls me into a one-sided hug squishing me against his well-muscled chest.

"Hopefully the fight is done and won by the time she comes around, and then the two of you can return. I'll constantly keep you updated. I'm going to miss you so much, but I want you just as safe as I do Rose."

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