"Ethan, do you want to prove to us that you're no longer our enemy?"

"I'll do anything to prove my loyalty, Rose. What do you need me to do?"

Eagerness laces Ethan's voice, he seemed sincere. Everyone's attention turns to me waiting for my great idea. Luckily one idea formed which could be useful.

"Ethan can prove his loyalty to us by giving us information on the hunters, as well as giving them false leads giving us the upper hand."

"I'm not putting him in danger Rose." Lucas protests loudly.

"You have no choice Lucas, he brought this on himself. He wanted to be a fully fledged hunter and would do anything to become one, now if he wants to be one of us he'll have to face equal danger." Kyle counter-argues, earning him a stern nod of agreement from Liam.

"I'll do it, Lucas."

"So go on Ethan, tell us what you know and what we should expect." I motion for him to continue.

We all sit back down as if nothing had just happened between the five of us. Ethan plays with his fingers nervously while Lucas holds his other hand looking at him lovingly, the two of them were a cute couple.

"Apart from Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack, there are around twenty other hunters making their way to town. Jack, Rian and Zack are wildcards who don't mind if Rose gets caught up and hurt in the middle of the fight, whereas Alex promised me she'd be safe and out of harm's way because he still cares about you Rose."

Twenty-four hunters was a big number to deal with, honestly, I wasn't expecting that many. Liam shuffles nervously in his seat glancing over at Kyle who looked equally nervous but was trying to keep himself composed.

"That's enough hunters to try and wipe out the city's population of vampires and werewolves. They really are going big or go home."

Lucas probably didn't have to bring up that fact which already unsettled the supernatural beings in the room, but it was a lot to take in. Ethan was looking down at his feet, this secret had to have been weighing him down.

Liam clears his throat, "that is a lot of hunters more than any of us were thinking would show up. Now we need a plan of action, any suggestions?"

Lucas raises his hand, "I suggest we get Rose out of town, maybe with Ethan to look after her because he has some skills."

If my jaw could hit the floor it would have ten times over at what I was hearing being suggested. Lucas wanted me to get out of town with Ethan and leave the rest of them to fight and die at the hand of the hunters.

"That sounds smart Lucas. I agree. What about you Liam?"

"I agree Kyle, Lucas is right and we need to get Rose out of town."

I might as well have not been in the room because none of the guys were paying me any attention, making plans without my consent. I wasn't some useless little girl, I could make a difference.

"I refuse to run away again, I can defend myself."

Liam snorts, "You're human Rose. Don't take any offence but even Ethan's a better fighter than you."

I didn't have to stay around this any longer; these four could go screw themselves. I wasn't running away again, no one was going to run me out of town again. Picking up my bag I leave the lounge and leave the house, they could talk all they like.


"Is there any way the coven can work together with the pack? Strength in numbers, after all, will be crucial in this fight."

Liam and Kyle glance at each other sizing each other up. They were so use to fighting against each other that this could be a hard thing to break to get them to work together. Ethan holds my hand and squeezes to get my attention.

"I feel bad for Rose. How do we get someone out of town who doesn't want to leave?"

I squeeze his hand back, "we'll lull her into a false sense of security, drug her, then you Ethan will drive out of town with her and by the time she wakes up, you'll both be away from danger. It sounds awful, but I don't want her anywhere near the fight especially after what I saw her become."

Ethan nods reluctantly, knowing he didn't have any real power to overthrow the group's decision.

"We'll find a way to get the vampires and werewolves to work together Lucas. Just give us some time."

Kyle stands up and leaves the room. Liam clicks his knuckles together before also standing up to leave.

"Make sure Rose is safe Lucas. If anything happens to her then you're both dead."

All Ethan and I can do is nod along to Liam's request. Rose still hadn't chosen a mate yet, so we needed to keep her safe especially if we didn't want the wrath of the vampires and werewolves raining down around us.


Getting the pack together wasn't hard because everyone pretty much stayed in the main house or in the close surrounding neighbourhood. No one joked as they entered the lounge sensing the seriousness in me calling a pack meeting in the early hours of the morning. Ben comes to stand next to me already having been updated on the situation as I drove back over here.

"We have twenty-four hunters coming to town, with four already here looking to wipe us and the vampires off the map. So I'm going to suggest something radical idea which some of you might not like, but it's for the best if we want to continue living in relative peace and harmony."

"What's the plan, Liam?" Alan pipes up from the sofa in between Will and Mason.

I shuffle on my feet, "we're going to work with the vampires to bolster our numbers against the hunters. It's going to be hard but Kyle and I agree it's the best for all of us."

A wave of silence engulfs the pack meeting which had to be a first, this information was a lot to digest and I only hoped most if not all of the pack agreed to fight side by side with the vampires to take out a common enemy.


"I'm not going to sugar coat this guys. The hunters killed some of our own and put a target on their back. But there are twenty-four minimal of them against our dwindling numbers so I'm suggesting something we've never done before."

The coven watches me intently, still reeling from the loss of some of our own earlier even if we despised Josh and his close allies. Jordan steps forwards.

"What do you need us to do to kill these hunters?"

"We're going to pair up with the werewolves to give ourselves bigger numbers and the best chance to rid the hunters off the face of the planet once and for all."

The room erupts into loud protests from every corner just like I expected to happen. Lucas really hadn't given me and Liam the easiest of tasks to complete. Some vampires would need convincing more than others.

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