Short Story

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Swimming was one thing I enjoyed. But picking up all the plastic around the beaches was proving more difficult, many fish died, and there are barely any coral reefs. The swamps? All natural in helping clean the water, well, they got build on and destroyed. Swimming in the ocean, is proving to be a difficult task. Having my goggles on, I saw all the plastic, from plastic can canasters to bags, avoiding them was difficult, imagining myself as a sting ray living here. Any sane person would wonder, where'd it all went wrong? The pictures of the world, were so much cleaner, nicer to look at back then,but as far as the eye can see, the beach is covered with plastic, the waves holding even more. My grandfather Martin turned to me," You know, the ocean wasn't always this nasty looking." I turned and said," Really?  I mean, I've seen pictures, but they're hard to believe." Martin nodded," Yeah, the clean up probably wouldn't be so difficult if only it was done sooner. Do you know they're gonna be closing this beach too? Now there is only one beach out in the whole world that the government lets people go into." I nodded and sighed," I just wonder why, no one helped back then." Martin said," People did, but not everyone had a recycle bin... Not everyone made it their job to put their plastic cans, and forks, and whatever else back to recycle. It was just wasted, as one thing.." I turned," Have you heard about what happened to all the dumpsters?" He nodded," Yeah, apparently.. People are going through them now, seeing if anything can be recycled. I think people are starting to panic, no more plastic. " I coughed and said," You think the water was fresher, back in 2018?" Martin shrugged," I don't know, that was ages ago. I may be old, but I'm not that old. It probably was, there are so many factories now for fresh water, it's hard to say." I said, dreamingly," I wish I could go back in time and see the sights, enforce the rule of everyone in every state in every country all throughout the world to recycle." Martin laughed," Keep on dreaming kiddo... Those robots are too tiny to pick up much of the plastic on the ground, and no human can get close to those natural piled swirls in the ocean." " Pile swirls?" I asked. Martin said," You know, the big giant piles of garbage that's on the robots radar?"  "Ohhh.." I said in realization. " Yeah.. Come on, let's get onto the boat, the sun's at it's peak, it's the perfect time to do a once over the area." The net picked up above the surface of the ocean, and we went through it, making sure we didn't catch any marine life in the nets. The task was difficult, and long going, but it was worth it, to Mariel, for a cleaner environment.

An Unforgiving Cycle, Abandoned to Lay Waste.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt