Taking a deep breath I start to rock backwards and forwards and manage to quickly find a rhythm that worked. And after a few minutes, the chair falls backwards and I brace myself for impact on the stone floor. The chair does indeed smash, and the needle rips out of my arm making me scream out in pain as blood started to flow from the hole.

I must have been alone since my scream didn't attract any vampires. Untying myself, I rip off the bottom of my shirt and wrap it around my wrist tightly hoping to stem the blood flow. Staggering to my feet keeping my bleeding wrist close to my chest, I unhook the half-full blood bag from the machine and close it before opening the cooler and placing it on top of more full blood bags than I wanted to count.

All my belongings were scattered around the room, and when I turned my phone on I saw that wherever I was there was no signal. I'd have to go outside if I had any hope of ringing someone to come rescue me. Knowing I'd want my blood put back inside me with my unhurt arm I drag the cooler behind me as I make my escape.

Once outside I realise I was in some abandoned saw mill which looked like it had seen better days. It looked like something out of a horror film and I didn't fancy sticking around much longer to find out what horrors lay within. My phone had two bars of signal, so I drop the cooler and use it as a seat before getting up Lucas's contact and hitting call.

"Lucas can't come to the phone right now, but you have the pleasure of talking to his handsome younger brother Mike."

I was relieved someone had picked up.

"Mike, it's Rose—"

"Oh my god Rose where are you? You've been gone all day."

Mike cuts me off and I wanted to scream in frustration. So I'd been missing all day and it sounded like everyone was worried about me. I didn't know how long I had until Josh and co came back to check on me so I needed rescue and fast.

"Josh kidnapped me from the park. I woke up attached to a machine that was draining my blood and I managed to free myself but I'm sitting on the cooler full of my blood and feeling like I could pass out at any minute. I'm in some abandoned saw mill, track my phone, Mike, because the signals weak..."

I was met by the dial tone telling me the call had ended because I had no signal. Throwing my phone to the ground I scream loudly, not caring who or what heard me. I didn't know if it was the head injury or lack of blood but sleep felt right, and maybe after resting my eyes for a few minutes I'd be good as new again.


The second I got the frantic call from Lucas telling me they'd found Rose and brought her back to his house, I drop everything I was doing and rush out to my car. We'd been searching for her all day, and then Mike told us that some vampire called Josh had kidnapped her and was draining her of blood I wanted to rip the head off every vampire that crossed my path.

I broke several speed limits as I reached Lucas's house in record time. Kyle's car was in the drive, and I was fuming that he even had the nerve to show his face after all it was a vampire who had kidnapped and tried to kill Rose. There was going to be hell to pay.

Walking into the house I see Tony and Jaime sitting in the lounge, and when they make eye contact with me they point upstairs. The looks on their faces were that of pure sadness, what hell had Rose been put through. I take two steps at a time and use my nose to locate Rose, Lucas, Mike and Kyle in one of the spare bedrooms.

Pushing open the bedroom door I freeze at the sight in front of me. Rose was lying looking pale and lifeless on the bed hooked to a machine that was putting blood back into her body. Mike looked distraught and was being comforted by Lucas who looked just as pale as Rose. Kyle stood off in the corner with red eyes that meant he'd been crying. Kyle's tears made my blood boil.

"This is your fault Kyle, if she wasn't associated with you this never would have happened. She wouldn't have pissed off a crazy vampire," I snap.

Kyle scoffs clenching his fists, "don't try my patience, Liam. I never asked Josh to hurt her, he's only made empty threats in the past. We need to be here for Rose, but all you want to do is argue."

"Bullshit Kyle. But looks like Josh ruined your chances of recruiting Rose to team vampire. So really he did us werewolves a solid."

That statement made Kyle snap, he sped across the room and pinned me against the wall by my throat eyes black and fangs out.

"Will the two of you stop bickering for once. You know what this is mine and Mike's house and we're asking you to leave."

Kyle releases me and he devamps. We both turn to face the pissed off small Mexican who was kicking us out of his house. Kyle nods and leaves the room quickly, I follow after him. Rose needed both of us and all we could do was bicker like children.


This time when I opened my eyes there was no pain in my head. However, when I looked up at the roof I didn't recognise where I was and darted up in bed panicked that I'd been recaptured by Josh.

"Easy Rose you're safe now, calm down it's me, Lucas. You're at mine and Mike's house."

Lucas rushes to my side and sits down on the bed next to me. I immediately calm down knowing I was safe. But now I wanted to know how I'd gotten back here because I couldn't remember anything after losing phone signal.

"Err Lucas, how did I get here?"

Lucas sighs, "You passed out from blood loss, but luckily we tracked you down within minutes and got you back here. We had to hook you up to another machine to put the blood back in your body, and I may have given you something to ease the pain and put you at ease."

I nod and scrunch the duvet in my hands. So all my blood was back in my body which was good. But something Josh said still had me feeling uneasy.

"In the saw mill when I asked Josh why he was draining my blood, he called it delicious and he didn't know why. Could my blood be different Vic? I mean we found out I can carry supernatural babies, so my blood might be different."

"I'd need to test some of your blood Rose to see if it was any different than normal blood. Would you let me test some of your blood?"

The idea of blood being drawn from me again made me want to throw up, but if it helped everyone figure out what made me so different then I'd get over my new fear. Lucas takes my hand and squeezes it seeing my uncertainty.

"Everyone wants a drop of my blood Lucas, why should you be any different."

He chuckles at my jokey tone. He then leaves me to rest some more. But I had a feeling I needed to tell Liam and Kyle that I was better now. it was strange that they weren't here when I woke up, that wasn't like them.

Finding my phone on the bedside table I open my messages. Kyle needed to know first, I mean Josh was a vampire after all.

Rose (To Kyle): It's me, I'm up and feeling better now all my blood is back in my body. Josh was acting out of jealousy and I don't blame you for anything Kyle, Josh is a crazy vampire...

Kyle replies instantly.

Kyle: I'm still sorry that you came to harm potentially because of me Rose. I never want to see you hurt again. Josh will be dealt with one way or another. Just focus on getting better

It would take a lot of convincing that Kyle wasn't to be blamed for the kidnapping. But for now, I was content that he was going to deal with Josh. Now I needed to message Liam, who I had the feeling would have been a lot more frantic about my kidnapping since the park holds bad memories for us both.

Rose (To Liam): I'm up and feeling better now I have all my blood back in my body. Sorry for worrying you and everyone else. I guess I won't be going to that park on my own again...

Just like Kyle, Liam replies almost immediately.

Liam: Yeah, you won't be going to that park again anytime soon. I'm happy you're awake and feeling better. Everyone was worried but we blame the vampires and not you Rose...

Of course, even in his message, Liam had to find a way to get a dig at the vampires. He needed to loosen the leash he was putting on me, I wasn't one to be told what I could and couldn't do. I needed to set Liam straight. But for tonight I wanted to sleep in peace, plus this bed was super fluffy and made me feel like I was floating on a cloud which was very nice.

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