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Today Bey and I took Royalty out for a fun day. She had tons of candy and ice cream and lots of fun. Bey showed us around Houston and we saw some things that were very personal to her. We also went shopping. Bey bought Ro everything she asked for, that little girl is so spoiled, and I bought Bey an outfit for our date night! I left them at the mall so I could get everything prepared. I want tonight to be real special and stress free for Beyoncé. She deserves it.

While I was buttoning up the last buckle on the sleeve of my suit, I made my way into Bey's room. Ro was on the bed and Bey was digging through her suitcase.

"I have nothing to wear Ro." She said as she continued digging.

"We can put something together Ms. Beyoncé. I think that's how daddy dress me." I chuckled before exiting before going to get the wrapped boxes.

"I got you a little something." I said.

Bey turned around and almost immediately her face turned red.

"Aw Chris. You didn't have to..really." She stood there looking up at me.

"I wanted you to feel special tonight.." I smiled. She returned it.

"Thank you." She whispered before taking the boxes and looking down. I've come to the conclusion that Bey is a little shy.

".. ok. I will leave you two to it." I tackled Royalty with kisses before exiting out the room.

I was patiently waiting on the couch when I heard Royalty's little voice from around the corner.

"Daddy! Are you ready to be amazed!" She exclaimed.

"Of course I am." I replied as I stood up and fixed my tux.

"Here comes the Queen." Royalty giggled.

I watched as Ro and Bey rounded the corner, hand in hand. I saw Royalty cheesing so hard until my eyes fell upon Bey. She was shyly looking down a little. I cleared my throat before approaching them.

"May I?" I asked Royalty. She politely handed over Bey's hand. I rubbed her hand and she slightly looked up.

I smiled, "You look beautiful."

She chuckled, "And you look handsome." She adjusted my collar over my suit.

"Excuse me daddy and Ms. Bey." We looked down at Royalty. She looked at the time. "I'm not really sure what time it is, but you guys do have a date." She giggled.

"I love you and goodnight." I picked her up and gave her more kisses. She returned them.

"Goodnight daddy. Love you more." She said. She reached over to Bey and gave her a hug. "Goodnight Ms. Beyoncé. You look really really pretty. Thank you for letting me help."

Bey smiled, "You are so welcome baby. Thank you." She returned the hug. She looked hesitant, but after a split second she leaned in and kissed Royalty on her forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart."

I let Royalty downed and she grabbed Bey's assistant hand. We thanked her and exited the hotel room. I held Beyoncé's hand as we walked to the rooftop.

"Oh, fancy. Helicopter ride tonight." Bey smiled.

I chuckled, "Starting off the night right."

I held the door open as she climbed in. I got in right behind her and soon we were off.

"So, you're going to tell me where we are going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise baby. Sit back and relax." Bey looked surprised. She's so use to doing everything for so many people, I bet no one took the time out to do something for her.

Sooner than later we were no longer in Houston. We were in Atlanta. Bey looked out the window mesmerized, before turning to look at me smiling.

"Atlanta?" She asked. I simply smiled and nodded my head.

Bey and I landed in the parking lot of the finest restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. I helped her off the helicopter as we made our way inside. We were taken upstairs to the private room I rented out. We were then seated and poured a glass of red wine, before our food came out.

Bey spoke, "Thank you. This is really beautiful... no one has ever done this much for me before."

"You deserve it... and much much more." I replied.

"Much much more? How so?" She asked taking a sip of her wine.

"You're an amazingly talented woman. You're driven. No woman I've ever met has came close to your work ethic... that could be a blessing or a curse." I took a sip of my wine. "Do you ever just slow down and smell the flowers."

Bey chuckled before replying. "If I slow down... I definitely won't be smelling any flowers." Her hand made its way to the back of her neck and she slightly rubbed it and looked down. For a second I could see the stress on her face.

"Hey." I grabbed her hand. "I didn't mean to upset you..." I explained.

"No. It's fine....I just hate not doing anything. I don't know how to relax... there's no other person in my world besides my father and our relationship isn't where I would like it to be. Slowing down just put things like that in perspective.." She explained.

"... well... I know for sure you have a little girl that loves to hang out with you and probably is waiting up for us as we speak." I smiled.

She chuckled, "Ro."

I smiled and nodded. We ate and laughed the night away. Before returning to the helicopter we grabbed an ice cream. Fans were flashing away with the cameras as we ordered our ice cream. We ate it as we sat on the helicopter with the doors opened. Bey had already unbuckled her heels and her feet were propped up on my lap.

"Thank you again." She said.

"You're more than welcome." I smiled.

The helicopter started up and we were on our way back to Texas. Back to my baby.

Bey was laying on my shoulder looking out at the lights below us.

"You know. Everything was beautiful, although you didn't have to take me to Atlanta for something we could've did at the hotel room with Ro." She smiled.

"I wanted it to be special." I explained.

"It would've been.... as long as it was with you two... Goodnight Chris." She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Bey..." I bent down and kissed her forehead.

Bey slept the rest of the helicopter ride.

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