Chapter Eight

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It was against the hunter law to date someone outside of the hunter world. Lucas fell into that category, unfortunately.

Rose sighs, "if it helps Lucas checks you out every opportunity he gets, and he thinks you have a cute butt."

I was shocked, to say the least; Lucas actually felt the same way about me as I felt about him. I couldn't break the hunter law.

"I don't know Rose."

"We're friends Ethan and I want to see you happy. Everyone needs to have some fun while they're young. I'm going to help you get with Lucas."

Okay, now I kind of felt guilty for spying on her and recounting everything to the hunters. Rose was a good person, caught up in the middle of a war which had raged for years. I could only pray that she got out of this unscathed.


Ethan gets a phone call just after our little chat in the hall saying he needs to get home. I don't question him, plus this gave me the perfect opportunity to confess everything to Lucas. I could deal with Lucas thinking I was crazy, but I didn't want to drag innocent Ethan into this supernatural mess.

"Lucas, do you believe in the supernatural world?"

Lucas rolls over onto his front and I mirror him as we were lying on my bed catching up. The question kind of just blurted out, but he wasn't looking at me like I had two heads.

"I do Rose. Why do you ask?"

"I need you to promise me, Lucas, that you'll stay silent until I tell you everything, then you can judge me."

He nods. I roll off the bed and crouch down by my carpet, before moving it aside to open the dodgy floor panel which kept my journal hidden from the world. Lucas watches me with curiosity from the bed. Taking a deep breath I turn to my first page of research before handing him the journal to skim through.

"I was kidnapped by hunters Lucas, they were in the park that day to kidnap Liam but then the ball rolled into the bushes and I walked into them. They asked me about Liam and I mentioned that his family said him and I were going to be together when we were older. They drugged me and took me to England. Alex raised me like his own daughter, and I never questioned him because he gave me everything I wanted. Uncle Zack and Rian were a little quirky but I loved them because they helped me break Alex's rules. But it was Uncle Jack who kept me drugged up, he made me ill so that I became used to all the medication that messed with my head."

I pause, Lucas was still watching me but I couldn't read his expression. I still had quite a bit of the story to tell, I needed to get everything off my chest.

"I was happy in England. But I started having flashbacks to my previous life and I realised I was the kidnapped girl I saw on the TV sometimes. I overheard them talking one morning about initiating me into the hunter world because I was starting to become interested in everything supernatural. Alex refused, didn't want me in that life. Then Alex mentioned my birthmark which got me curious and how it entitled me to the supernatural world. They knew Liam was a werewolf and I could have become his mate because of the birthmark, they thought that by kidnapping me it would rip Liam and his pack apart."

I walk back to the bed and sit on the edge taking the journal from Liam. I flip to the page with the description of my birthmark and tap the page.

"According to this website, my birthmark could have multiple dots inside of it. One dot represented me while depending on the number of other dots each represented a supernatural creature I was linked to. Mine has three dots, which links me to two creatures. I'm not crazy because Liam has the same birthmark and he's a werewolf which is a supernatural creature, but Kyle also has the same birthmark but I don't quite know what creature he is. Now you can speak Lucas."

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