Liam laughs, "you'll understand when the day comes that dogs are way better than cats."


I release his arm and he stares at me with wide frightened eyes and starts to shake his head.

"Because I told her the birthmark we shared meant we were going to be together when we were older got her kidnapped by the hunters that day in the park Lucas."

It was a big possibility that the hunters asked Rose about how she knew Liam and when she mentioned the birthmark tying them together they decided the only way to break up the werewolf pack was to take away the future alphas mate.

"Take deep breathes Liam. Just remember that she's back now. We finally have her back in our lives."

I pat Liam on the shoulder but notice him visibly tense and stare at something or someone over my shoulder. I turn around coming face to face with Kyle and his vampire coven who smirked at the lone wolf. Instinct takes in and I put myself in between the werewolf and the vampire, I might be psychic but my family were peacekeepers for supernatural creatures and kept them from fighting.

"Look it's our tiny Mexican peacekeeper. We overheard everything Lucas, how will Rose react when she finds out that her best friend Liam is the reason she was kidnapped by hunters? Talk about kicking a dog when he's down," Kyle mocks snidely. 

I put a hand on Liam's chest to stop him from lunging at Kyle who stands tall and proud laughing his head off.

"Kyle now is not the time for a pissing contest. Rose has only just come back."

My words seemed to wash over Kyle as he continued to stare at Liam who was struggling to keep his inner wolf at bay.

"You're not the only person who shares the same birthmark as her dog," Kyle rolls up his sleeve revealing the same birthmark both Liam and Rose had, "you thought she'd remember you and become a mutt? At least now it's an even playing field."

I shake my head, Kyle knew how to push each and every one of Liam's buttons to get a reaction from the werewolf. I had to step in before this little pissing contest turned violent.

"The two of you need to calm down. We don't know what the drugs have done to Rose or what she's been through these past ten years. The two of you need to think about her fragile mental state before fighting to win her affections. Put someone else first for a change and act like the leaders you're supposed to be."

Screw the two of them, if they weren't going to listen to me then I was going to have to be extra vigilant around Rose to make sure her mind had enough time to get over the trauma before she was exposed to the supernatural world. I shoot both of them the finger and storm off back towards the school to find Rose and Ethan who were glued to each other's hip.


"Lucas is right Kyle, if we both claim to care about Rose then we need to take things slow. But once she readjusts then it's the winner takes it all understood?"

Kyle throws his arms in the air in frustration at knowing Lucas was right.

"I'll play ball, Liam, I don't need a mentally unstable newborn vampire running around San Diego."

That was the final straw and now Lucas wasn't here to stop me from ripping the smug vampire limb from limb. But before I can lunge at him my own pack appear by my side flanking me. Will and Ben hold me back using their combined strength to stop me from attacking and killing Kyle in the middle of the day at school.

Kyle laughs childishly, "And I'm the one who's suppose to have the anger issues. Come on guys these mutts aren't worth it."

The vampires snigger before speeding away. God, I hated them so much, and the fact Kyle knew that I was the reason Rose was kidnapped made matters worse because he had something to use against me.

"What did Lucas say about Rose man?"

I turn my attention to the newest member of the pack Alan and shrug my shoulders.

"He said to give her some time to adjust. But he didn't say anything about trying to make her remember me before Kyle can get to her. I'm not going to lose my mate again Alan."

Ben pats my shoulder reassuringly and smiles warmly at me, he was my beta and second in command and had a lot cooler head than I did.

"I'm in Rose's homeroom along with Jordan and James. I'll keep an eye on the vampires."


I watch from the shadows of the science building as Rose walks across the schoolyard with Lucas on one side and Ethan on the other side. According to Jordan, the new kid was called Ethan and is basically harmless and gay so no getting in the way of me winning Rose's affection.



The fire consumed every inch of the house and all I could do was stand outside on the grass and stare up as the home I grew up was engulfed in flames. Inside were ten vampires, including my father who was the coven leader. The hunters had taken us by surprise and only a handful of us made it out alive.

With my father dead, it would be left to me to become a vampire when I turned sixteen and lead the coven just like he had done and his father before him. However, I couldn't run a coven, or win the trust of the vampires under my rule without my vampire mate by my side.

Before my father made me run out of the house so he could go and rescue my mother he whispered the name of my mate 'Rosie Brookes'.


"How are you going to get Rose without hurting her like Lucas requested Kyle?"

Lee bought up a good point, but a plan was already forming in my head and it was every inch as cruel and vicious as I was.

"It won't be hard to win Rose over, all we need to do is make Liam look bad."


I catch Kyle's eye across the yard and he smirks before nodding in my direction and disappears. The vampire was going to do something stupid I just knew it. Hopefully, Liam took my advice.

"Don't do anything stupid Kyle," I mutter under my breath knowing the vampire will still be able to hear me.

"Did you say something, Lucas?"

I snap my head to my right and meet Ethan's soft brown eyes, they held a sparkle to them that made you just want to stare at them all day. I shake my head and smile at the boy who was messing with my emotions and my head. He nods and goes back to his conversation with Rose about beanies.

I don't know why I find Ethan so intriguing. I found out from Rose that he was gay and that she could tell I found him attractive. Ethan was attractive that was a given, but that still didn't explain why I couldn't get inside his head. I'd ask the elder after school if my sudden infatuation with Ethan could somehow block my powers from reading him. 

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